Arduino's breakdown?


Now my arduino―arduinomega2560―has a serious problem.
As soon as arduino is connected with my computer, strange letters appear in serial monitor.
And arduino IDE freezes.
Does it mean my arduino's breakdown?

Wrong baudrate.


try 115200 or 9600 and other values to see if what's printed makes sense

I've had that happen when a sketch I downloaded continuously yammered at my PC at a high baud rate. Downloading a new sketch fixed it. In one case I had to unplug the Arduino, plug it in while pressing it's reset button, then let it go when I started to compile the new sketch. Of course, the baud rate I was playing with was probably 1,000,000 or 2,000,000. Flooded the PC pretty well.
If that is the problem, you'll need to figure out why your Arduino is so talkative, and fix that.

Hi @sheepwing.

This occurs whenever a huge quantity of text is printed on a single line in the Arduino IDE 2.x Serial Monitor. So this is a side effect of the unrelated problem that causes all this unexpected content, which happens to not include any line breaks, to be printed to Serial Monitor, rather than a primary component of the problem itself.

The Arduino IDE developers are tracking Serial Monitor's inability to gracefully handle lots of text on a single line here:

If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to that thread to get notifications of any new developments related to this subject:

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:exclamation: Please only comment on the GitHub issue thread if you have new technical information that will assist with the resolution. General discussion and support requests are always welcome here on the Arduino Forum.

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Thank you!
Problem was solved!

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And what was the cause?

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Sorry to be late.
Because of wrong baud rate.

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