Someone asked me about a wireless way to trigger a sound module. Is there anything like a small cheap board that runs off 5v, and has several transistors or relays which close momentarily when buttons on a keyfob are pressed?
I'm aware there are boards you can get from Sparkfun which receive data from keyfobs, but I'm looking for something anyone could wire up with no need for an additional microcontroller or code being written.
I'm working with a some devices from Linx Technologies. They have a few out of the box relay type systems. You could also look at some of the home alarm systems and take one apart. My requirement is to be able to read a key fob and have my arduino respond to particular buttons.
There are also a bunch of RFID type readers if you are looking for proximity type solutions.
Try here
Got some boards with 1,2,4,8,12 channels
4-channel with relays available, and 1,2,4,8,12 relay versions I think.
They have a forum as well where you can find links to tech info.