Artificial horizon project


I would like to create an artificial horizon by extracting pitch and bank from a database. For this, I have an ESP8266 D1 Mini and a GC9A01 module. Can you help me with the wiring and possibly assist me with the code to be implemented? Thank you in advance.


Not an easy starting out project . Look for examples on how to use the display and get that working first, making it look and operate as an artificial horizon won’t be that easy - have you looked at mechanical ones built by sim users ? .

What database ?

Yes, I have done some research, but what I am looking for at this stage is assistance on how to wire my ESP with this module. As for my database, it extracts the UDP from the glider flight simulator game Condor2.

Dronebotworkshop has a great write-up on Arduino with your GC9A01:

This one connects your ESP8266 to the GC9A01.

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