AT Commands not working (SIM900A can't connect to Network)

Hello, I have a SIM900A module and Arduino MEGA 2560. I connected the Vcc from the module to the 5V of Arduino and I connected the GNDs aswell. I want a serial communication to send a SMS so I connected Arduino MEGA 18 and 19 pins (TX1,RX1) to RX5 and TX5 respectively. Then I connected Arduino to the computer. Once everything is wired, SIM900A led status keeps on blinking every 1s, which shows that the module is not connected to network and it never changes its status. Also, when I write AT commands on Arduino IDE on Serial Monitor, it shows nothing, the screen stays blank. How can I solve this?

You need a far more capable power supply something that is able to provide 2A on peak

Get an external power supply

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