At last -18650 charge/boost module with load sharing?

A number of us have used the "18650 battery shield V3", which has a TP4056 charger, and a boost converter, but which has no load sharing circuit. It appears the module makers of the Far East may have finally added power sharing to such a module. Here are three Aliexpress listings that appear to be the same part.

I don't have one, but I think I see the load sharing circuit in the picture below.

But what's missing is any protection circuit, unless that's included in the charger chip, which may be an LN4055H. I can't find anything on that.

Anyway, does anyone have one of these?

By "power sharing", you mean that the load will be powered by the USB when it is connected, rather than the battery?

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Looks like they are calling it a UPS as well.
From the AliExpress page.

Tom.. :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

finally added power sharing to such a module

It does not do load (power) sharing, it's just a UPS

Yes, exactly. With load sharing no load current ever goes through the charger, so there's no issue with charge termination being prevented by excess load current. Also, without load sharing, when the battery becomes fully charged, the charger terminates, so the battery has to take over even though input power is still available. Load sharing prevents that battery cycling.

Yes, but they also say it has protection, which I don't think is true. So I kinda don't want to rely on what they say.

Well, I think the parts I circled in the picture look a lot like the standard load sharing circuit. You have diode D5, which appears to be an SS35 schottky, connecting the USB power to the output, which is also the source pin of Q4 if it's a P-channel mosfet. Then you have the drain of Q4 connected to pin 5 of U1, which is the BAT pin if it's a TP4056 lookalike. And finally you have a resistor connected to the gate of Q4 and to what might be ground. What's missing is a connection from USB power to the gate, but that could be covered up or on the other side, or it could be through the other resistor R5 which IS connected to USB power. To me this looks a lot like this circuit:

I have one of those UPS boards, bought a couple of years ago. It has those same parts, but I doubt it does true load sharing. Order a couple and let us know what you find! It works fines as a battery charger.

Markings: diode SS34 (which does seem to be a Schottky), transistor 3401.

It's just a terminology misunderstanding. That circuit just does automatic switching between the USB and battery, there is no current sharing

What I'm talking about is this:

I agree that the official name for it is not really an accurate description of what it does. But basically, the USB input powers the load and charges the battery, independently, as opposed to running the load current through the charger.

I have ordered one, but it will be a couple months before it arrives.

If your module does true load sharing, then when the battery has reached full charge, and the green LED comes on, the voltage at the input to the boost converter will be about 4.7V (one schottky drop below USB voltage). If it isn't load sharing, the input will be the battery voltage (4.2V or a bit less) even though USB is still plugged in. If you can do that test for us, that will answer the question.

Yep. There is a "3401" P-channel mosfet.

I just set mine up with a switch to turn on the "UPS" option, 5V output, and with a 100 Ohm load, it does seem to do loading sharing.

The battery charge lights indicate whether the battery is charging or not, and with that load, the charger does seem to function as expect, charging, then turning off at about 4.18V (as measured by my multimeter).

Good catch!

green LED comes on, the voltage at the input to the boost converter will be about 4.7V

I measure 4.8V, green charged LED on and 4.6V, red charging LED on (5.05V USB input), so it appears to function as you suggest.

That's great. Thanks for doing the test. Well this is the first module I've seen like this that combines all of these functions. I think that makes them very useful. They really operate properly as a UPS.

Now I see that there is also a two-cell version. But I don't see anything on that layout that looks like load sharing. Probably need to get one of those at some point. From Alice1101983 on Ebay:

@jremington, can you identify the chip marked U2 in the picture? It's near the negative battery terminal, and connects that terminal to system ground. It might be the missing protection function, although it's nothing like the usual DW01 and dual mosfets protection circuit that we usually see.

The markings on U2 are "FM5056", identified as "battery management IC". Chinese data sheet.

Incidentally, I had two of these, but on one the USB plug broke off when I attempted to plug it in. So be careful, they are not very robustly designed and constructed.

Ok, even in Chinese, it's clear this is a protection IC, They've taken the dual mosfets into the chip itself, which simplifies everything. So I take back what I said about protection being absent from this module. It absolutely is there.

So I think this module or the two-cell version is the answer to all the people complaining that their power bank shuts off on low current, or there's a glitch when external power is connected or removed, or they can't really charge and power the load at the same time. It's a real UPS, and it's $2 plus shipping.

I've studied the picture of the more expensive 2-cell 3A version on Ebay, and it also has load sharing and protection. The cells are parallel. I will order one just to be sure, but it looks right.

So I think this solves a lot of problems when powering projects. I just wish I had noticed when it first showed up - apparently a couple years ago. I kept wondering why the module makers hadn't produced one so clearly needed. And it turns out they had. :slight_smile: So now they just need to make a 3.3V version.

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I received the 18650 "UPS" module from Aliexpress, and have been testing it. Below are pictures and the schematic. The module includes the battery holder, a micro-USB input port, the standard TP4056-type charger, a single-chip battery protection circuit, a load sharing circuit, and an MT3608-type boost converter. It works as a USB, with no minimum stay-alive current, and no dropout when the charging source is connected or disconnected. It does not have a Type-A USB port on the output, just holes that you solder leads to.

As delivered, the module doesn't work. That's deliberate. There is no connection between the charging circuit and the boost circuit. The seller recommends that you mount a switch (not provided) in the two through-holes provided for that, or just deposit a solder blob on two pads. Apparently they think most users will adopt the solder alternative so the output is always on. But that means the only way to disconnect the battery from the boost converter (which has significant idle current) is to remove the battery, which is not what you want to be doing. Since the through holes are 0.1 inch apart, I installed two male header pins, and make the connection with a jumper block when needed.

I ordered the 5V output version, which they confirmed, but they actually sent me the 12V version. So I had to remove the 200K resistor R8 and replace it with a 75K resistor. It's probably best to order from a seller that sells only the 5V version - less likely to get the wrong one.

I found that the operation of the boost converter messed up the charger chip. It would not complete charging the battery. With 5v input, and the battery at 4.06V, the red charging LED was on, but no charge current was being provided. When I disconnected the boost circuit, charging completed normally. I suspected that pulses through the inductor were feeding back to the charger Vcc and causing it to malfunction. As the schematic shows, there was no capacitance in the circuit anywhere on that line, either at the charger's input or at the converter's input. So I added a .22uF film capacitor at the input to the charger, and that fixed it. I don't know what the appropriate capacitor would be for this circuit, but the one I added worked well enough, even when drawing 1A at the output, which is the nominal maximum load. But I suspect it should ideally be a lot higher value, and possibly one capacitor for each chip.

One unusual item in this circuit is the protection chip, the FM5056. It's a single chip that combines the functions of the more familiar DW01 with its companion dual N-channel mosfets. I have not tested the protection functions. As a reminder, you probably should use an unprotected battery in this module. It will still work with two protection circuits, but that just draws more idle current, and doubles RDSon.

The load sharing circuit is what makes this module particularly useful. With it, the external power source powers the boost converter directly when present, and the battery can also be charged independently if needed, with no load current to confuse the charger. The absence of a Type-A USB connector at the output is a disappointment, but this "UPS" is a better solution for powering projects than a power bank, and the price is certainly reasonable. I would just like to get some clarification on the needed capacitor if any experts would like to offer an opinion.


Thanks for the detailed write-up and schematic! The UPS circuit seems to match the one you were showing in post #5. Any idea why they included the 1K resistor (R5) at the gate of the mosfet?

No, the 1K resistor is a mystery. I've never seen any resistor in that position in any load sharing circuit I've run across. The gate is always connected directly to the incoming power rail, with a pulldown resistor to ground. And as a matter of fact, the 200K pulldown is a much higher value than is typically seen - it's usually 100K or less, and often 10K.

The pulldown value can be important when the external power has been powering the load through the schottky diode, and that diode has become toasty. Then when external power is disconnected, there is a risk that reverse current will flow through the diode back to the gate, and shut down the mosfet until the diode cools down. The reverse current of a schottky varies exponentially with its temperature. So the lower the pulldown value, the less likely that would happen.

On the other hand, if that happens, current will still flow through the mosfet's body diode, and since we have a boost converter here, there may not be any dropout at the 5V output. I did test this possibility at 1 amp, and there was no hint of a dropout. So I guess for this situation the 200K is ok. But it wouldn't hurt anything to be a bit lower. It wouldn't affect battery life because current only flows through the pulldown from the external power rail when present.

My suspicion is that it's 200K because R8 is 200K. They just used the same value for both resistors. Then they can switch production between the 5V version and the 12V version by just switching that reel. So I suspect if I had received the 5V version, the pulldown would have been 75K.

I should add that I think the absence of any input capacitance on the 5V input makes this an officially defective design. It might still work, but I tried two 5V wall warts, and it wouldn't work properly with either. But it worked with both by adding the modest .22uF cap across the input. The datasheets for both the charger and boost ICs show capacitance ahead of their inputs, and I think this is a requirement for any boost converter. So I think to have none at all on either chip is a defect.

There is a two-cell version of this device, and it has 100uF on the battery line, and 100uF on the 5V line. So I guess they finally figured it out when they got to the two-cell version. My favorite eBay seller - Alice1101983 - carries the two-cell, but does not carry this single-cell version. Perhaps that's because this one doesn't really work. The downside of the two-cell is that it doesn't appear to provide for a switch, which you really need.

I was initially thinking it was used to prevent the large inrush current when you first supply power to the mosfet gate, but I think a power supply would be able to handle that..

Yes, I was concerned about the same thing . I actually found a good discussion on dealing with the leakage current on stack exchange: mosfet - Load Sharing charging circuit for Lithium polymer - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange.

I looked at the datasheet of the diode in your schematic, and I think you would get a reverse current of 0.3mA at 5V, when the diode is at 75°C based on figure 4.

If using a 200K resistor, that would allow for a maximum of 60V = 0.0003A * 200,000 Ω to leak through the diode. If that resistor was reduced to 1K, then you a max of 0.3V leaking through the diode, which would be low enough to ensure that the mosfet doesn't turn off.

I can't confirm if I'm interpreting the datasheet correctly though.