I have a simple question, I want to control my home appliances using Bluetooth, attiny85, and a relay module. It runs perfectly when I simulate it in Proteus.
Not sure about simulation but the diodes across the relays are the wrong way around and you’ve no base resistors for the transistors .
It’s a very difficult schematic to read.
There is a guide on this forum for drawing schematics
What is not working ??
Print out the results of the transmission directly to see what you have received as part of your debugging process
Don't muck with the pins you have assigned to SoftwareSerial. If you remove these two lines, does the Bluetooth device receive the "Bluetooth connected" message?
Thanks, johnwasser Sir,
But I can't understand simulation is running smoothly, After burning the code to Attiny85 the problem is same, the Relay is always on.
I think may be it happens because of power, so I connect the relay module with another power supply then the relay is off No response. I have replaced the relay module with only individual led
But they also no response, always off.
I can't understand whether the microcontroller is receiving the serial from the Bluetooth module or not.
I also change 3 attiny85 and 3 Hc05 Bluetooth Module alternatively but the problem remains same.
Connect your Bluetooth device to pins 2 and 3 on the UNO. Select your Arduino UNO in Tools -> Board and Tools -> Port. Then upload your sketch to the UNO.
When I upload this code on Arduino Uno all messages are received And working oppositely while using serial monitor.
At least working. this is okay. I can change opposite to normal.
But when I use Hc 05 and Arduino app terminal mode relay does not work.
Maybe this code is not receiving Bluetooth serial.
SoftwareSerial Serial(1, 2);
SoftwareSerial Serial(0, 1);
SoftwareSerial Serial(3, 4);
SoftwareSerial Serial(2, 3);
SoftwareSerial Serial(4, 0);
No working. Attiny85 is not receiving any serial from Bluetooth.
If receiving then not responding. Please help.
I can't solve the problem till now. Please anyone help me.
I am not receiving any massage.
And also relays are not working when I test in on my breadboard.