Automatic code highlighting, do you want it or not

Two weeks have passed. Even though we didn't receive any new feedback, the feedback we did receive indicates that forced highlighting is not wanted by the community so I have disabled it.

If you want highlighting of your code blocks, make sure to add the language identifier suffix on the opening code fencing markup:

// some C++ code

The enabled language identifiers:

Language/etc. Identifier
Arduino arduino, ino
ARM Assembly armasm
AVR Assembly avrasm
Bash bash
C c
C++ cpp
CSS css
diff diff
Go go
HTTP http
Java java
JavaScript javascript
JSON json
makefile makefile
Markdown markdown
POSIX shell sh
PowerShell) powershell
Python python
Python REPL python-repl
SQL sql
text plaintext
TypeScript typescript
XML xml
YAML yaml

If we later receive feedback from the community that they miss the forced highlighting, I am happy to turn it back on.