1.6.5. no longer highlights code block (Windoze )

Anybody using 1.6.5 can confirm this for me?
Positioning mouse and clicking it on starting code block bracket ( { ) used to highlight the entire code block, now it only puts a blue border on the end of code block bracket (}).

I have used all the 1.6.0 releases and 1.0.5 and have never seen the code highlight. (Yes, I am running Windows.) And 1.6.5 auto-generates brackets.

Being an OF I have an excuse, but in 1.6.4. you had to put the mouse on or after the first bracket and hold either CTLR or Shift key to get it to highlight.
I cannot remember ( as OF!) the software which does that, I think it is the same which does Auto Format.
There are tons of options for that software to do its magic.
I''l check out the auto bracket generation, maybe it cannot do both, highlight and auto generate.


Thanks for confirming my suspicion.
After checking the link, allow me to "whine" and risk banishment again.

Yet another case of A.Coopers "Inmates are running the asylum".

"...why would you want to do this..."