Basic mathematical equationcoding

Hi everyone. I got one question to ask. How to write a coding if I have the y value , then how to find x.

Elementary algebra. Search phrase "quadratic equation"

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First check

 b*b - 4*a*c >= 0

if false, there is no x that fulfills the equation.

If larger 0, there are two solutions...

Is it for school ?
Perhaps the assignment is to "find" x by searching for it.
I think this is the curve (when x can also be negative):


There are two values for x when the y is known. I would first try to find the bottom, then search for higher values for x and then for lower values for x.

A sketch which is a start to "find" x. It is not complete.

// For:
// "Find" x by searching for it.

float bottom_x;
float bottom_y;

void setup() 
  Serial.setTimeout(100);  // 100 ms timeout for serial input

  // Find the bottom between -1000 and +1000 with step 1.0
  bottom_x = -1000.0;
  bottom_y = Calc(bottom_x);
  for( float x=-1000.0; x<1000.0; x+=1.0)
    float y = Calc(x);
    if( y < bottom_y)
      bottom_y = y;
      bottom_x = x;

  // Find a more accurate bottom with step 0.001
  for( float x=bottom_x-1.0; x<bottom_x+1.0; x+=0.0001)
    float y = Calc(x);
    if( y < bottom_y)     // new lower bottom ?
      bottom_y = y;
      bottom_x = x;
  Serial.print( "The bottom of the curve is at x=");
  Serial.print(" (y=");

  Serial.println("Enter a value for y (integer value)");

void loop() 
  if( Serial.available() > 0)
    // using parseInt, even though I don't like that function
    long y_int = Serial.parseInt();
    while( Serial.available() > 0);        // remove trailing CR or LF

    float y_target = float( y_int);

    if( y_target < bottom_y)
      Serial.println("That value is not in the curve");
      Serial.println("Enter a good value for y (integer value)");
      // search upward
      Serial.print("Searching upward ...");
      Serial.println("... not implemented yet");

      // search downward
      Serial.print("Searching downward ...");
      Serial.println("... not implemented yet");

      Serial.println("Enter a new value for y (integer value)");

float Calc( float x)
  float y = (0.0227*x*x) - (3.1401 * x) + 177.35;
  return( y);

Try the sketch in Wokwi simulator:

Formula by @red_car is wrong....
Should be: (after eddit acc. to post #10 and #12)

x1 = (-b + sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)) / (2*a)
x2 = (-b - sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)) / (2*a)

for real numbers only.

1 Like,What%20is%20a%20quadratic%20equation%3F,then%20the%20equation%20is%20linear).

X equals minus b, plus or minus the square root of, b squared minus 4 *a *c.
ALL over 2a.
And you must check the conditions given by @build_1971 to make sure you have 2 real solutions.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Yes agreed... I cut & pasted the wrong thing.


/ 2a ?

Beware that ^ does NOT do exponentiation in C! Try:

x1 =-b + sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c);

You are right! I have updated post #7 accordingly.

You are right! The ^ operator is indeed reserved for or operation in C). In order to prevent further confusion, I have updated post #7 accordingly.

No, it's reserved for the XOR operation.

Error on error...
Thanks for your comment.
... I will stop making errors and do nothing instead...

I guess no one will be deriving the quadratic equation using the method of least squares.


I just curl up in the foetal position in the corner and let it blow over. :grin: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :grin:

Hang on I'll see if any of my High School maths teachers are still on this mortal coil.

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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