Battery management system using an arduino display

Hello, I'm currently building an electric car in which I have programmed intercel bms chips to trip off the circuit if the voltage or current works outside the SOA. I have 96 batteries(11.1V each), connected 8 in series and have 12 segments of these which means I'm operating at a voltage of 88V in total. My motor controller can handle the high voltages and current. I just want to relay the information to an lcd using not more than one arduino. How do I do it?

How do I do it?

Carefully to start with.

You could create a voltage divider that converts 100V to 5Volt (gives you 10% margin)

100V ---[1000 K] ----X ---- [20K]--- GND

You might need add a zener over the 20K to prevent voltages higher than 5V.

Connect the Arduino analog pin to X.
Make reference measurements to get the formula right

float voltage = analogRead(A0) * magicFloatConstant;


To prevent damaging the Arduino one could also place an optocoupler in between.
(google images optocoupler arduino analog.