I am new to the forum and I just wanted to share a quick demo that I wrote about using the Arduino UNO R4 Wifi board. This is a very basic sketch that will create a simple binary clock on the LED matrix.
// Spellapeaka
// Binary Clock
#include "Arduino_LED_Matrix.h"
// Variable Declarations
unsigned long millsVal;
int interval = 1000;
ArduinoLEDMatrix matrix;
// Set the starting time to 7:43 am
byte hour = 0b0000111;
byte minute = 0b00101011;
byte second = 0b00000000;
// Create the LED Matrix Frame
byte frame[8][12];
void setup() {
//Begin communication with the matrix and capture first mills value
millsVal = millis();
// initialize the LED Matrix Frame to all 0's
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
frame[i][j] = 0;
void loop() {
// Calulate mills difference
int diff = millis() - millsVal;
// see if one second has passed (1000 milliseconds)
if(diff > interval) {
// reset mills value
millsVal = millis();
// Advance the clock by one second
//Set the Frame values and draw it to the matrix
matrix.renderBitmap(frame, 8, 12);
// Will add 1 second to the clock
void advanceClock(){
if (second > 59){
second = 0;
if(minute > 59){
minute = 0;
if(hour > 11){
hour = 0;
// Set the LED's in the Frame based on the values in hour, minute and second variables
// uses the bitRead function to get the individual bits in the byte value
void setFrame() {
//Start at 2,2
//set hour
frame[2][2] = bitRead(hour,0);
frame[2][3] = bitRead(hour,1);
frame[2][4] = bitRead(hour,2);
frame[2][5] = bitRead(hour,3);
//set Minute
frame[4][2] = bitRead(minute,0);
frame[4][3] = bitRead(minute,1);
frame[4][4] = bitRead(minute,2);
frame[4][5] = bitRead(minute,3);
frame[4][6] = bitRead(minute,4);
frame[4][7] = bitRead(minute,5);
//set Second
frame[6][2] = bitRead(second,0);
frame[6][3] = bitRead(second,1);
frame[6][4] = bitRead(second,2);
frame[6][5] = bitRead(second,3);
frame[6][6] = bitRead(second,4);
frame[6][7] = bitRead(second,5);