Binary Clock on LED Matrix

I am new to the forum and I just wanted to share a quick demo that I wrote about using the Arduino UNO R4 Wifi board. This is a very basic sketch that will create a simple binary clock on the LED matrix.

// Spellapeaka
// Binary Clock
#include "Arduino_LED_Matrix.h"

// Variable Declarations
unsigned long millsVal;
int interval = 1000;
ArduinoLEDMatrix matrix;

// Set the starting time to 7:43 am
byte hour = 0b0000111;
byte minute = 0b00101011;
byte second = 0b00000000;

// Create the LED Matrix Frame
byte frame[8][12];

void setup() {

  //Begin communication with the matrix and capture first mills value
  millsVal = millis();

  // initialize the LED Matrix Frame to all 0's
  for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
      frame[i][j] = 0;

void loop() {
  // Calulate mills difference
  int diff = millis() - millsVal;

  // see if one second has passed (1000 milliseconds)
  if(diff > interval) {
    // reset mills value
    millsVal = millis();

    // Advance the clock by one second

    //Set the Frame values and draw it to the matrix
    matrix.renderBitmap(frame, 8, 12);

// Will add 1 second to the clock
void advanceClock(){
  if (second > 59){
    second = 0;
    if(minute > 59){
      minute = 0;
      if(hour > 11){
        hour = 0;

// Set the LED's in the Frame based on the values in hour, minute and second variables
// uses the bitRead function to get the individual bits in the byte value
void setFrame() {
  //Start at 2,2
  //set hour
  frame[2][2] = bitRead(hour,0);
  frame[2][3] = bitRead(hour,1);
  frame[2][4] = bitRead(hour,2);
  frame[2][5] = bitRead(hour,3);

  //set Minute
  frame[4][2] = bitRead(minute,0);
  frame[4][3] = bitRead(minute,1);
  frame[4][4] = bitRead(minute,2);
  frame[4][5] = bitRead(minute,3);
  frame[4][6] = bitRead(minute,4);
  frame[4][7] = bitRead(minute,5);

  //set Second
  frame[6][2] = bitRead(second,0);
  frame[6][3] = bitRead(second,1);
  frame[6][4] = bitRead(second,2);
  frame[6][5] = bitRead(second,3);
  frame[6][6] = bitRead(second,4);
  frame[6][7] = bitRead(second,5);


Enjoy :slight_smile:


This will work just as well:

// Set the starting time to 7:43 am
byte hour = 7;
byte minute = 43;
byte second = 0;

because, inside the Arduino, all the numbers will be binary. Even if you type them as decimal, they get converted to binary for storage in the Arduino.


Use that "WiFi" part to get the time from a NTP server (better accuracy and get your money's worth from the board you bought).

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Thank you odometer. I do like it this way better as it gives you the first frame that should be written though.

Thank you runaway_pancake! That's a great idea. I haven't messed around with the Arduino for a few years. My wife bought me this a a Christmas gift and I am just cracking into it. That sounds like my next step on this!