I wrote a library for sending/receiving packets over serial using the binary representation of numbers rather than their character representations.
E.g. 67 is sent as a single byte 01000011, rather than two bytes 00110110 ('6') 00110111 ('7') if using Serial.print(67).
There are no delimiters between multiple variables in a packet, only a packet delimiter. COBS encoding of the packet is used to allow the packet delimiter to appear in the transmitted data. A checksum is also included for integrity.
The library handles almost all details of building and sending the package, and receiving and unpacking it.
For sending, the user just has to call some provided functions to add data to the buffer, and then call the send() function.
For receiving, the user has to call receive() every loop(), and fill in the details of a callback function that gets called automatically when a complete and valid package is received - again, functions are provided for extracting variables from the received data.
void loop() {
bool callback() {
uint8_t a = encodedSerial.extractFromBuffer<uint8_t>();
int8_t b = encodedSerial.extractFromBuffer<int8_t>();
uint16_t c = encodedSerial.extractFromBuffer<uint16_t>();
int16_t d = encodedSerial.extractFromBuffer<int16_t>();
uint32_t e = encodedSerial.extractFromBuffer<uint32_t>();
int32_t f = encodedSerial.extractFromBuffer<int32_t>();
float g = encodedSerial.extractFromBuffer<float>();
// do something with these values
return true;
Proper(ish) instructions, code, examples etc are here
There's also a (very similar) version for Linux so this can be used to exchange information easily between a C++ program running on a PC and a connected Arduino (this was the main reason I started writing it actually).
Of course, for many purposes sending data using the character representation is completely sufficient and/or preferable, I just wrote this for fun/learning.
If anyone has any suggestions of how it could be improved I'd be interested to hear. I thought for a long time about how to make something that was flexible in terms of packet stucture and easy to use in terms of the code required in the main program, and this was the best I could come up with.
(FYI If you're interested in this generally there's also an existing library on Github called PacketSerial which does similar things though without the convenience functions for building/unpacking the packet. I haven't tested it myself though.)
Edit: minor clarifications.