Blinking LED with two different delays using millis.

I am very new with arduino and have been searching and trying to implement a code that makes a led blink with two different intervals without using the function delay. I have seen the code of "blink without delay" ( and understand it but I have not been able to modify the code in order for it to make the following.

Turn the led on for 5 seconds.
Turn the led off for 9 seconds.

I know it shouldn´t be so difficult but all the codes I find in the web use the same delay between on/off, making it a lot easier by using the else function.

Thanks a lot I appreciate your help.

// untested code

#define onPause 5000
#define offPause 9000
long lastRun = 0;
void loop() {
  if ((digitalRead(ledPin) == LOW) && (millis() - lastRun > offPause)) {
    // LED has been off for at least or longer than offPause, turn it on
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    lastRun = millis();

  if ((digitalRead(ledPin) == HIGH) && (millis() - lastRun > onPause)) {
    // LED has been on for at least or longer then onPause, turn it off
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    lastRun = millis();

In my code repository (link below) there is a Multiblink example that uses a data table to define many LEDs at different frequencies and time intervals. The code is a bit complex, as it allows for very general things to happen, but you may be able to learn from it (or play with the LED patterns).