Blood Pressure Measurement using HX710B [solved]

Hello Thanks for your Help can you give me code on the basis of the code given

#include "HX711.h"

const int LOADCELL_DOUT_PIN = 3;
const int LOADCELL_SCK_PIN = 4;

HX711 scale;
float pressure;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (scale.is_ready()) {
    //pressure = ( + 8388607) / 93207.00;
    //pressure = + 8388607;
    pressure =;

This code is given in tutorial
If there is any way to extract systolic and dsystolic pressure through the plot

I think you are a little late in the race for a small blood pressure measurer. I went to get my eyes checked last Thursday and in the process they took my blood pressure and pulse rate. They put a small device with a color LCD display on my wrist. Attached the thing with a velcro loop and pushed a button on it.
The device pumped up a rubber tube to shut down the blood supply and then released the pressure so they got the two pressure readings. Both readings and the pulse rate were on the small screen. All done without having to roll up my shirt sleeve.
All done without an Arduino.

It is part of my project I am making a whole project

Not until you calibrate the sensor.

As for making a commercial device, keep in mind that each sensor must be individually calibrated.

The sensor provide me value in units mmHg by default.

You will find that the values reported by the sensor are not accurate.

Check the pressure sensor data sheet for the details, and spend some a little more time with the Adafruit tutorial.

Good luck with your project!

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The chip on that board is a HX710, the little sister of the HX711.
So why don't you use a HX710 library.
(the HX710 has AFAIK different gain settings)

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I have RSI now from scrolling through that post :crazy_face:

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Rapid sequence induction

(Rapid sequence induction - Wikipedia)
Induced sedation and neuromuscular paralysis prior to intubation

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According tutorial if we use hx710b library it will not measure the pressure correctly

Sorry for that I remove that output

Hi, @10smr
Welcome to the forum.

Do you just want to make a device to measure the CUFF pressure only, leaving the interpreting of the pressure and what is heard in the stethoscope to a medical person.
You want to make a machine that does it all?

Have you looked at how a medical professional takes and reads a sphygmomanometer to get your two pressure values?

It is possible to make just a cuff pressure meter, you just need to find the pressure range that you need to monitor.

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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Why do you insist on following a tutorial that does not work and will never work?
Are you trying to prove this person wrong?

hii, i'm also doing this kind of stuff. can i know do you already make it right?

Hi, @10smr
How did I solve your problem?

I offered two scenarios!!!

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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By your scenario i understand what I had to do And I understand that I only need to find range.

do you already find it? please let me know