Bluetooth Vibration Wristband

Hello everyone!

This is my first time using Ardunio and currently working on a project using the components. I wanted to run this by you guys to see how doable it is.

I want to create a blue-tooth vibration wristband that starts to vibrate whenever a certain pitch of noise increases and when someone moves around an area too closely that the sensor can detect and/or if the heart rate is higher than expected.

I would like the vibrator to vibrate whenever it is set off by the high pitch of noise, the closeness they are moving and the heart rate of the person. While all of this being Bluetooth so I wouldn't have to deal with the lack of distance that wires cause.

I hope all of this makes sense.

Hello everyone!

This is my first time using Ardunio and currently working on a project using the components. I wanted to run this by you guys to see how doable it is.

I want to create a blue-tooth vibration wristband that starts to vibrate whenever a certain pitch of noise increases and when someone moves around an area too closely that the sensor can detect and/or if the heart rate is higher than expected.

I would like the vibrator to vibrate whenever it is set off by the high pitch of noise, the closeness they are moving and the heart rate of the person. While all of this being Bluetooth so I wouldn't have to deal with the lack of distance that wires cause.

I hope all of this makes sense.

No sense at all! What is the wrist band doing? Are you carrying a battery for it in your pocket? Where are the sensors located that are doing all the sensing? Where are the Bluetooth devices located? What is noise pitch? Please be specific with parameters that can be tested for.

How far is too close while moving? What if someone is close and stops moving? Are you asking someone to wear a heart rate monitor so you can detect their heart rate from somewhere else?

Do you have a block diagram of this installation, and drawing of the wrist band?


We strongly recommend to start small.

Get an Arduino and follow the provided examples to learn how to blink an LED, read a voltage, a switch or a sensor, and learn the programming language and special features of Arduino.

Get some distance and motion sensors, and learn how each one works, and what the pitfalls are with each one. Get a microphone module with amplifier and learn to detect tones.

After you have digested all that, it would be a good time to starting thinking about putting the bits together.