Bootloading Arduino by writing BL directly to Flash sectors?

Hi all,

recently I ordered some arduino chips (Atmega328) online and I burnt one chip by wrong connection. After restoring circuit I found out that none of other chips works. Programmer not responding, reset didnt work....

So I thought that these chips might be blank (even seller marked them as with arduino bootloader). I have parallel programmer (on USB) - using this for copying and writing various EPROMS/Flash and other memories.
Its MiniPro TL866

It have inbuilt support with some MCUs like Atmega328 and I can read/write all the memory. It only shows me 32k and 1k sectors as data and code memory in this case. It also shows fuses.

Can I use this access to write Arduino bootloader to factory new chips (by just writing appropriate HEX dump to appropriate adress)?

Or its only way to bootload via ISP ?

I would say you could load the bootloader and set the fuses with that device.

I would say you could load the bootloader and set the fuses with that device.

I hope so :slight_smile:

So I did this:

Copied from Arduino IDE file ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328.hex and converted it from Intel Hex to binary raw format. Then, I loaded this binary into chip from first address. Rest of memory filled with FF and verified against original file. All OK.
But after placing chip into test socket, I still cant get bootloader response.

Maybe wrong fuses settings?

I am afraid I will need another working chip with bootloader to make a working dump to clone.... :frowning:

Any ideas?

ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328_converted.bin.txt (1.9 KB)

ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328_from_IDE.hex.txt (5.4 KB)

dump.BIN.txt (32 KB)

The normal bootloader is the optboot one. For the fuses, see the boards file:


You cannot just use the hex?

But from the hex file it states as start address 7E00...

You cannot just use the hex?

But from the hex file it states as start address 7E00...

Yeah, I am idiot :smiley: I firt loaded Intel Hex and thought that it was not loaded, didnt see data starting from 7E00. Ok, thank you for noticing me about this ! :slight_smile:

I will try changing fuses from boards and use Optiboot. I hope it will work....

OK, so loaded Optiboot Hex from IDE from 7E00 and set fuses according to this page:
(written settings in attachements)
But still no response from programmer. I am running out of ideas. Could it be damaged chip? If i can reliably read & write whole 32k memory I dont think so.
I think that loading dump from other chip would be the only solution.

IT WORKS !!! :slight_smile:

There was obvious problem with programmer not responding as before. I had to try reset many times until it loaded sketch as usual on finished boards :slight_smile:

chip_wth_optiboot.BIN.txt (32 KB)