Hey everyone. I am new to Arduino programming, but have taken on a project which involves broadcasting data as it arrives from a sensor connected to my Arduino MKR Wifi 1010. I am trying to set up the system such that the Arduino continuously broadcasts sensor data over Bluetooth and any PC that connects is able to read the broadcasted data.
I am able to connect my PC to the Arduino via Bluetooth, but I do not know what to do from there (e.g. read data). Are there any BLE users who have dealt with this type of project before? And are there any PC programs that anyone recommends I use to read the Bluetooth data? Thanks in advance.
If you look through the forum posts you will see that this is a popular topic, but quite difficult for beginners. There aren't many (if any!) well tested examples to follow.
If you haven't mastered a few of the basic tutorials on using Arduino with some simple wired sensors, that would be a good place to start. Using wireless communications is one or two orders of magnitude more difficult.