Bug, Plugin runtime crashed unexpectedly

On startup, the following bug appears:

Plugin runtime crashed unexpectedly, all plugins are not working, please reload the page. If it doesn't help, please check Theia server logs.

What is this talking about and does it matter?

Theia seems to be a python package for log management, so it seems to be a not a very helpful error message.

And the IDE help menu does not help very much either.

P/S It seems the error appears from the first time the IDE is opened on a new sketch until the first compile and upload. After that first upload, it does not appear.

Please take screen grabs of any error logs. ALL the messages (use verbose in IDE settings) and paste here in code tags.

Tricky, need to turn on the preference, then create a new project directory and sketch, and then open it.

Will try to keep it in mind, there may be an opportunity in the course of the next few days.