hi hi, so i started up with physical stuffs and not long after I managed to burn a USB diode of my elegoo nano
I basically split a led strip for testing and soldered the cables, it was running fine using this code at 255 brightness for over 5 minutes and suddenly the usb diode went into smoke
what did I do wrong and how can i get this working?
I would like to connect multiple strips in parallel in this manner
Thank you for your response!
If I were to use one of these power supply modules, would it solve the issue?
I would then have the 5v and ground coming from the power supply module and connecting it directly to the led strip and provide the data in from the nano?
it would be 3 strips of 60 leds each using the same effect, it wouldn't have all the leds active at the same time, at most would have 70% of the strip lit up with a chasing effect
If it is at full brightness and white, then each LED will draw 0.06A
0.06 x 60 per strip = 3.6A
For 3 strips, that's 3.6 x 3 = 10.8 Amps, WOW!
If only 70% are lit that's 0.7 x 10.8 = 7.6A, still WOW!
If you just used only red, green or blue it would be only 0.02A per LED, so the total would be 7.6/3 = 2.53A
Just to be sure, I would use a 5V @ 5A supply but the bigger the better.
You probably have burned the USB backflow diode of your Elegoo nano. It can be found on the back of the board, near the USB socket. A $0.20 Schottky diode could restore full functionality.
Your board will likely still be usable without that diode if you also connect the 5volt LED strip supply to the 5volt pin of the Elegoo Nano.
You should only follow the tutorials that include a resistor inline with the data input of the LED strip and use an electrolytic cap across the supply pins. Ignore any tutorial without it.