Buzzer wont stop repeating

Hi does anyone know what I need to place down for a code in order to get the buzzer to stop playing notes after all the LEDS are on and while the button is still held?

#define Tone_G 392 // Define Tone G
#define Tone_A 440 // Define Tone A
#define Tone_B 494 // Define Tone B

const int buttonPin = 8;
const int Sound = 12; // For the speakers - sound will occur on Pin 12
const int ledPin4 =  4;     
const int ledPin3 =  3;
const int ledPin2 =  2;

int buttonState = 0;        

void setup() {
  // initialize the LED pin as an output:
  pinMode(ledPin4, INPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin3, INPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin2, INPUT);
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(Sound, INPUT); //speaker
void loop() {
   // read the state of the pushbutton value:
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  // check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
  if (buttonState == HIGH) {
    // turn LEDS on:
    digitalWrite(ledPin4, HIGH);
    tone(Sound, Tone_G); // Tone to play out of speaker. This Tone is G
    digitalWrite(ledPin3, HIGH);
    tone(Sound, Tone_A); // Tone to play out of speaker. This Tone is G
    digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH);
    tone(Sound, Tone_B); // Tone to play out of speaker. This Tone is G
  else {
    // turn LEDS off:
    digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin3, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin4, LOW);

So it should resume playing notes after the button is released? Like a pause?

Is noTone a valid method? I feel like, if I implemented such a thing, I would let it "tone" and just an empty parameter. Please check the docs of your soundboard

You have your LED pins configured as INPUT???