Camera/CMOS sensor programming

As some of you may be aware I am well versed writing code for camera modules. I have already posted a topic on how I interfaced the OV7670 OV7670 with both arduino uno and now mega - Sensors - Arduino Forum to an Arduino Uno and an Arduino Mega. Since posting that I have done a lot more such as interfacing the MT9D111 with the STM32 series and found a faster way to read pixels.

I can help you with programming or do all the programming for you, for lots of camera applications. I also have experience with TFTs and making a working interface.

If this interests you just PM me with your project details. I will either ask for clarification, give you a quote right away, or tell you if I cannot do it should the situation arise.

I can adapt to different hardware, just tell me what it is.

Edit: As PaulS mentioned the title may be a bit on the specific side I can also write code relating to camera applications such as making a menu which will be displayed on a touch screen.

I can help you with programming

Of CMOS sensors? Then why are you advertising here?

If you can program something else, your thread title leaves a lot to be desired.

Yes I can. I have edited my post to reflect this.