Can I use AV transmitters for on/off signals?

I am making a device using arduino to control a switch inside an elevator. Well my elevator is made of steel so wireless signals cannot penetrate it. So I am trying to use a wireless transmitter to get the signal out of the elevator shaft. I am wondering that is it possible to use 5GHz CCTV video transmitter that only has Component Video ports to send on/off signals for the arduino.

Well my elevator is made of steel so wireless signals cannot penetrate it.

How do you know this is true? Have you done tests? If it is true then why do you think any sort of transmitter will work?
How about an antenna on the outside of the elevator box?

How do you know this is true? Have you done tests? If it is true then why do you think any sort of transmitter will work?
How about an antenna on the outside of the elevator box?

I think it's made out of a steel box because my phone can't catch any signal. And yes I am thinking to make an antenna out side of the box and one on the bottom of the shaft, because wiring it up seems dangerous for me to do alone. I don't know but 5GHz maybe overkill. I'm not good at wireless technology..

The frequency is not very important, but if anything the higher frequencies have more difficulty penetrating stuff than lower frequencies. But if you are using an external antenna then you have no worries about what frequency you use.

I think it's made out of a steel box because my phone can't catch any signal. And yes I am thinking to make an antenna out side of the box and one on the bottom of the shaft, because wiring it up seems dangerous for me to do alone. I don't know but 5GHz maybe overkill. I'm not good at wireless technology..

I have to guess, but, do you own the elevator box? If so, then you are able to modify it how you want.

I live in an aluminum box. Well, sort of. Our mfg home has aluminum siding. It had no door bell, so I installed a bell system that uses transmitters in the push buttons and a receiver in the bell/chime box. It would not work, of course.

I drilled a small hole near one push button and fed a #14insulated copper wire through the hole and wound up a few turns right next to the push button. Inside, I stapled about 5 feet of the wire to the wood work. That wire conducted the signal from the push button far enough inside the house for the receiver to hear the signal. Works great!

I suspect you will find a similar solution to your problem.
