Can i use these arms with arduino UNO and XBEE

I was able to move a self manufactured robotic arm with 3 servos (Elbow, Wrist, Gripper) using Arduino Uno and Xbee, i controlled it using three potentiometers, But now i would like to replace my robotic arm with any of the following and i just cant figure if i can do it or no :~

Dagu 6 Degrees of Freedom Robotic Arm
AL5A Lynxmotion Robotic arm

Most of them talk about a controller as in USB to PC interface for eg for Lynxmotion they talk about using a SSC 32 controller and RIOS software or a Botboarduino and stuff

since i have a complete setup of boards i think they are more than enough
all what i am looking for is a robotic arm to replace my current robotic arm thats all

my set up in detail:


Arduino UNO + XBEE shield + Xbee + 3 potentiometers


Arduino UNO + XBEE shield + Xbee + robotic arm with 3 servos

hope my question is clear, any suggestion or past experiences are welcome
