Guys I need help,
This stuff if frustrating.
How is it that those examples given can assist me? none of them show how to create the different delays. I need some kind of delay1+delay2
I am not seeing any way to make millis do as my delay does above, having the two different values.
I have been playing around with the code,
all the examples just use repeating values. like millis delay1 2000ms, meaning reoccurs at (2,4,6,8s etc) I need the delay2 factored into the timing to alter delay1. to add the 500ms on top.
if I add code to double up and have millis delay2 at 2500ms, (2.5s, 5s, 7.5s) works fine first time (delay1=2s, delay2=2.5s), but then the timing is way off. delay1=4s, delay2=5s. Then more off. delay1=6s, delay2=7.5s
as millis repeats the timed event, I am not sure how to stack the time. for example millis delay1 + millis delay2
I am also concerned for if the delay1 changes from 2000ms to 3000ms I would for coding sake want the delay2 added to delay1, creating a situation that needs the LED to turn off at 3500ms.
eg: this was a good example of showing what millis can do, the repeated delayed messages, I simply added line to turn on and turn off the LED. .
int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
#define INTERVAL_MESSAGE1 2000 // turn on for 2000ms
#define INTERVAL_MESSAGE2 2500 //THIS REPEATS EVERY 2500ms works fine first time.
unsigned long time_1 = 0;
unsigned long time_2 = 0;
void print_time(unsigned long time_millis);
void setup() {
void loop() {
if(millis() >= time_1 + INTERVAL_MESSAGE1){
Serial.println("Light On");
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
if(millis() >= time_2 + INTERVAL_MESSAGE2){
Serial.println("Light Off");
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
void print_time(unsigned long time_millis){
Serial.print("Time: ");
Serial.print("s - ");
I was looking to see if I can somehow make the delay2 stack on top of the delay1 by trying lines like this
the 2000ms and 500ms will when my project is complete would vary with adjustable potentiometers and I would like to find a way to make both the delays know what the other is doing.
basically want to use delay which may be variable, but using millis in it's place as I might want to run another code while thats occuring instead of using two arduinos.
Also, I taken a look at the blink without delay,
I understand that the blink without delay using if commands, I would like to avoid if command
I am so lost.