OK, I did following test:
- connect esp8266 rx/tx to the arduino's HW tx/rx
- connect ftdi usb to serial converter to the soft serial pins - 10/11
And I would like just to read the HW serial (read what esp8266 sends) and print it to software serial
This is the sketch I used:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup() {
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
mySerial.println("Hello, world?");
void loop() { // run over and over
if (Serial.available()) {
Then I start the picocom, I see "Hello, World?" message - so my soft serial via ftdi works and picocom can read it. Then I reset the esp8266 - then there should be this:
cN�|l�$��p�|�n�$��OK, I did following test:
- connect esp8266 rx/tx to the arduino's HW tx/rx
- connect ftdi usb to serial converter to the soft serial pins - 10/11
And I would like just to read the HW serial (read what esp8266 sends) and print it to software serial
This is the sketch I used:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup() {
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
mySerial.println("Hello, world?");
void loop() { // run over and over
if (Serial.available()) {
Then I start the picocom, I see "Hello, World?" message - so my soft serial via ftdi works and picocom can read it. Then I reset the esp8266 - then there should be this:
ll p�N�
cn�|쎏�p��oN��l �2Nn
�OK, I did following test:
- connect esp8266 rx/tx to the arduino's HW tx/rx
- connect ftdi usb to serial converter to the soft serial pins - 10/11
And I would like just to read the HW serial (read what esp8266 sends) and print it to software serial
This is the sketch I used:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup() {
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
mySerial.println("Hello, world?");
void loop() { // run over and over
if (Serial.available()) {
Then I start the picocom, I see "Hello, World?" message - so my soft serial via ftdi works and picocom can read it. Then I reset the esp8266 - then there should be this:
�ool or�ےn
{OK, I did following test:
- connect esp8266 rx/tx to the arduino's HW tx/rx
- connect ftdi usb to serial converter to the soft serial pins - 10/11
And I would like just to read the HW serial (read what esp8266 sends) and print it to software serial
This is the sketch I used:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup() {
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
mySerial.println("Hello, world?");
void loop() { // run over and over
if (Serial.available()) {
Then I start the picocom, I see "Hello, World?" message - so my soft serial via ftdi works and picocom can read it. Then I reset the esp8266 - then there should be this:
rl r$��o��p�n���BreoNn�l�"�`�l#l�2�l�����
l$pb�"r���crbr���d bl`l��N�n���ol���c2$
l rd�n't use rtc mem data
Ai-Thinker Technology Co.,Ltd.
--> So at the very end of the output there is "Ai-Thinker Technology Co.,Ltd." and "ready" string.
But instead of it there is:
picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 --b 9600 --omap crcrlf --imap crcrlf
picocom v1.7
port is : /dev/ttyUSB0
flowcontrol : none
baudrate is : 9600
parity is : none
databits are : 8
escape is : C-a
local echo is : no
noinit is : no
noreset is : no
nolock is : no
send_cmd is : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv
imap is : crcrlf,
omap is : crcrlf,
emap is : crcrlf,delbs,
Terminal ready
Hello, world?
;$�<$�#�;��''��#;$8��$#'��#�$��$�ee''';��$ ;�#��#�$ �ee'�$���;���$�$�?�'#;�'$�nu���tXH;$��
I am wondering why such behavior. Why can't I see at least "ready" string at the end?
Baud rates are correct - I can send commands and read the output properly using 115200 baud rate when using ftdi to esp8266.