Capturing Serial Monitor output

I would like to stop or capture the serial monitor output. Disabling the serial monitor or holding the board in reset clobbers the output. Is there a way to change the behavior? Or a way to capture a bit of the output?


I was going to suggest the following

  • turn off Autoscroll in the Serial monitor
  • manually scroll the Serial monitor to the output that you want capture
  • select the required Serial monitor output with the mouse
  • use Ctrl+C to copy the selected data to the clipboard
  • use the copied data as required

This works in the classic IDE

However, for me at least, using Windows and

Version: 2.0.0-rc3-nightly.20211223
Date: 2021-12-23T03:03:39.572Z
CLI Version: 0.20.2 [13783819]

Copyright © 2022 Arduino SA
the linefeeds seem not to be copied, which makes the resulting data layout useless

@pert this presumably is a known problem

Should be fixed in the latest versions:

It is:

Thanks p

Unless there is some special procedure, incantation, or ritual that I do not know about what I am seeing with IDE 2.0 is that it rolls up the carpet and goes home. No artifacts left for little Jackie to view.

Hey, I missed that at first, sorry. You are on to something there, thanks. However when I paste it into Notepad++ it is all one line, but works OK with Word/LibreOffice. I need to get the EOL setups aligned...

Many thanks.

I don't think the EOL choice works either.

By "EOL choice", do you mean this menu?:

This only controls the addition of line endings to the data sent through the serial port by the user via the "Message" field of Serial Monitor. It does not have any effect on the line endings of the data that was received from the serial port and printed on Serial Monitor.

Thanks for the note as I was unaware of that. I also do not remember anything about it in tutorial but I am older than dirt so I forget stuff.

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