Good Afternoon Everyone, I'm new to programming and having a blast figuring everything out. I have been doing well and didn't need form help until now but I can't seem to figure out this Class stuff. Research is pointing that I haven't declared anything but I thought I did.
I get an error that states: (aggregate 'Potentiometerread Potentiometerobject' has incomplete type and cannot be defined )
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <potentiometer.h>
class Potentiometerread
int getpot()
int pot = analogRead(0); // Local varable pot
int potmap = map(pot, 0, 1023, 0, 100); // map values 0-100
return (potmap);
} // Close Void getpot
}; // Close Class Potentiometer
my poteniometer.h code below
class Potentiometerread;
int getpot();
aggregate 'Potentiometerread Potentiometerobject' has incomplete type and cannot be defined
your .h files needs to declare the function inside your class
Good Afternoon Blh64,
Thank you so much, the code for that issue is now fixed. I will study the change. A new error showed up but let me try to figure that out before I post anything on this topic.
class Potentiometerread {
int getpot();
};// Close Class Potentiometerread
code for potentiometer.cpp
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <potentiometer.h>
int Potentiometerread::getpot()
int pot = analogRead(0); // Local varable pot on pin A0
int potmap = map(pot, 0, 1023, 0, 100); // map values 0-100
return (potmap);
} // Close int getpot