Cloud Scheduler using UTC even though Timezone set

I have been trying to understand why the scheduler would not work and found that the scheduler time is not using the correct time zone I have set at thing level even though ArduinoCloud.getLocalTime() reports my local time and scheduler widget shows correct timezone.

In the image below I was able to set the cloud to 1500 (+6 ahead of real local time) even though local time was 900 and it worked as expected. I am at -6 (ignore timezone reported in image as i was testing) and when i checked the utc conversion, it shows GMT as my actual local time as seen in the second image.

Any idea what is going on?

Same problem, sent an email at arduino support in case (ID: 275901)

Yeah super annoying - really seems like IOT cloud is an afterthought and not very well supported.

I've figure it out where the problems comes from but still trying to figure it out how to fix it.
In TimeServices, the command getlocalTime is wrong, since getTime (Should be UTC time) is already shifted by the time zone offset. The problem is somewhere in the sync functions.

What type of board you're using? I'm using an ESP32

I have a Uno R4.

Scheduler - Nano ESP32 time and zone settings - Software / IoT Cloud - Arduino Forum

Scheduler isn't valid when using Time zone · Issue #383 · arduino-libraries/ArduinoIoTCloud (

They aknowledge the problem last week that is a Cloud sided problem.

@simontandem @7null
we have released a fix, can you plese reconfigure your schedulers from the dashboard widget and check again?


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In my case yes!

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Yes seemed to work for me as well.

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