I want to play various wave files stored on a memory card loaded in an SD card module with individual digital inputs via small push buttons
What i want to have is below here
I want to play various wave files stored on a memory card loaded in an SD card module with individual digital inputs via small push buttons
What i want to have is below here
sounds like a good plan (if you addd the GND connection for the buttons)
Approved. go for it ! (in case you needed our approval)
hehe , no its just a basic requirement i am showing here that i want to make triggering like that
Ground is connected with 4 switches , SD Card module is ready speaker is there and a simple wave player with direct play is working fine with few lines of code.
But i don't have any idea for this push button design
so i need to have a proper one for all 7 inputs . . please help !!
what about the 3 others ?
start studying. You can look at this
study as well all the links they have in the "see also" section.
if you have no clue about buttons and want to make your life easy, then use a library for example Button from easyRun or OneButton from Matthias Hertel.
There are many more
3 others for sd card module speakers etc etc & tx rx for further use in advancement of present design in future
Its Like Suppose i want to add press button volume control and LCD monitoring of playlist or a keypad input systems for above 100 or 500 songs and so on things
Well let me go through the links you have alloted
Thanks for everything here . . . . Will get back to you soon with query
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