Code help, I need a button to do two things when pressed for different times.

Hey Everyone,
Im NEW to the arduino and writing code(no experience). I have a Arduino Uno R3 and am trying to make a circuit but can get the code right. I need some help to see it this is even possible to do.

1st- I have a momentary button connected to pin 8 (there is a pull down resistor on it to keep it low when not pressed), when the switch is pushed for LESS than 4 sec I need the LED (connected to pin 13) to stay on for 8 sec then turn off and wait for the next button push.

2nd- If the button is pushed for more than 4 sec I need the LED to blink on and off for a total of 8 sec.( blinks 1 sec on and 1 sec off)

I have the code to turn the light on when pressed but thats about it I cant find were I can make it since how long the button is pressed I really need help( code below). I cant find a code to help do what i am trying to do pleas give me all the feedback you can pleas be descriptive if you can i have no background in C++ or code and am learning as i go. If you can it would be great to get some sample code of what you are describing thanks so so much in advance .

int switchPin = 8;
int ledPin = 13;

void setup()
  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  if (digitalRead(switchPin) == HIGH)
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

You can only ever do anything after 4 seconds or when the button is released.
So when the button is pressed make a note of the current time given by the millis() function.
Keep checking for two things, a button release or millis() being 4 seconds bigger than when the button went down.

For code examples see the blink without delay in the IDE.

I needed to do something similar, although a bit more complex. The code pasted below should help you out.

#include "Pulser.h"

Pulser::Pulser(uint8_t pin, unsigned long debInt) : Bounce(pin, debInt)
  // Initialize private members
  shortPressCount = 0;
  flag = false;

  // Set up the input pin
  pinMode(pin, INPUT);
  //digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); // Activate internal Pull-Up
  digitalWrite(pin, LOW); // Deactivate internal Pull-Up


short Pulser::get(void)
  // Get the current status of the button. This needs to be done
  // very frequently, so every loop iteration  

  // Read the button condition and return the state
  if(!read()) // If button is pressed
    // Note the last time the button was pressed
    lastPressMs = millis();
    // Record the duration of this press
    dur = duration();

    // Flag that we have an unread pressed button
    flag = true;
    // Return 0, since we don't know anything about this press 
    // until the user releases it and we look to see what other
    // presses happened recently
    return 0; 

  // Button is not currently pressed. Check duration of last press
    // Long press - clear the short press counters since this cancelles
    // the short press history
      shortPressCount = 0; // clear the short presses counter

      flag = false; // clear the we-have-a-press-to-read flag
      return 0x10; // return the state for a long press
  // It was not a long press, so we look for a short press series

  // Was there a press within the last 1/4 second?
  // If not, clear the counter and return the number
  // of presses in the series. If so, record the press
  // and return 0, waiting for the next press of the series
  // or the user to be done pressing.
  if(millis() - lastPressMs < SHORT_PRESS_INTERVAL)
    // We are still in a series of presses
    if(flag) // do we have a press to read?
      flag = false; 
    return 0;  
    // No press within the last 1/4 second. we are done with 
    // this series of short presses. Or, there is no current series
    // which is effectively a series of 0 presses
    short temp = shortPressCount;
    shortPressCount = 0;
    flag = false;
    return temp;
#include "Pulser.h"

Pulser::Pulser(uint8_t pin, unsigned long debInt) : Bounce(pin, debInt)
  // Initialize private members
  shortPressCount = 0;
  flag = false;

  // Set up the input pin
  pinMode(pin, INPUT);
  //digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); // Activate internal Pull-Up
  digitalWrite(pin, LOW); // Deactivate internal Pull-Up


short Pulser::get(void)
  // Get the current status of the button. This needs to be done
  // very frequently, so every loop iteration  

  // Read the button condition and return the state
  if(!read()) // If button is pressed
    // Note the last time the button was pressed
    lastPressMs = millis();
    // Record the duration of this press
    dur = duration();

    // Flag that we have an unread pressed button
    flag = true;
    // Return 0, since we don't know anything about this press 
    // until the user releases it and we look to see what other
    // presses happened recently
    return 0; 

  // Button is not currently pressed. Check duration of last press
    // Long press - clear the short press counters since this cancelles
    // the short press history
      shortPressCount = 0; // clear the short presses counter

      flag = false; // clear the we-have-a-press-to-read flag
      return 0x10; // return the state for a long press
  // It was not a long press, so we look for a short press series

  // Was there a press within the last 1/4 second?
  // If not, clear the counter and return the number
  // of presses in the series. If so, record the press
  // and return 0, waiting for the next press of the series
  // or the user to be done pressing.
  if(millis() - lastPressMs < SHORT_PRESS_INTERVAL)
    // We are still in a series of presses
    if(flag) // do we have a press to read?
      flag = false; 
    return 0;  
    // No press within the last 1/4 second. we are done with 
    // this series of short presses. Or, there is no current series
    // which is effectively a series of 0 presses
    short temp = shortPressCount;
    shortPressCount = 0;
    flag = false;
    return temp;