Using an arduino Uno with shift register and common cathode 4 digit display; I am trying to make a timer that will count down in minutes and seconds using a colon.
I have a complete working prototype; along with code.
but it isnt the code i need, and i thought i could teach myself how to revise the code to achieve my desired results.
hours of countless research has led down many wrong paths, and i remain perplexed.
I attached the working schemetic and code;
could somebody please help me learn to rewrite the code so that it no longer uses hexidecimal digits and only numbers?
also to have the clock start at 15:00 and then count down by one second every second?
14:59, 14:58,14:57... etc...
I appreciate any advise or help as i am very much new to the coding world and am learning as i go, along with the help here, the internet (not always the best source) and some books from the library
/* **********************************************************************
* Four Digit Hex Counter
* Uses: one 74HC595 shift register
* one four digit seven segment display - common cathode (5641AS)
* four PN2222 transistors
* Inspired by Elegoo Lesson 28
* 2016.12.12
* modified by Ricardo Moreno
* Description:
* This sketch illustrates controlling a four digit 7-segment
* display with a single 74HC595 shift register. Elegoo kit only
* has one 74HC595, so the Arduino will control 7-segment pins D1-D4.
* History:
* 6/06/2019 v1.0 - Initial release
* Verify circuit connections:
* 74HC595 pin Q7,Q6,Q5,Q4,Q3,Q2,Q1,Q0
* Mapping to g, c,DP, d, e, b, f, a (7-Segment LED)
* for array purposes D4 = digit0, etc.
********************************************************************* */
/* ***************************************************
* Global Constants *
*************************************************** */
const int dataPin = 9; // 74HC595 pin 8 DS
const int latchPin = 10; // 74HC595 pin 9 STCP
const int clockPin = 11; // 74HC595 pin 10 SHCP
const int digit0 = 7; // 7-Segment pin D4
const int digit1 = 6; // 7-Segment pin D3
const int digit2 = 5; // 7-Segment pin D2
const int digit3 = 4; // 7-Segment pin D1
/* ***************************************************
* Global Variables *
*************************************************** */
// Hex values reference which LED segments are turned on
// and may vary from circuit to circuit. Note the mapping above.
byte table[]=
{ 0x5F, // = 0
0x44, // = 1
0x9D, // = 2
0xD5, // = 3
0xC6, // = 4
0xD3, // = 5
0xDB, // = 6
0x45, // = 7
0xDF, // = 8
0xC7, // = 9
0xCF, // = A
0xDA, // = b
0x1B, // = C
0xDC, // = d
0x9B, // = E
0x8B, // = F
0x00 // blank
}; //Hex shown
byte digitDP = 32; // 0x20 - adds this to digit to show decimal point
byte controlDigits[] = { digit0, digit1, digit2, digit3 }; // pins to turn off & on digits
byte displayDigits[] = { 0,0,0,0,0 }; // ie: { 1, 0, 7, 13, 0} == d701 (all values from table array)
/* Each array value holds digit values as table array index, or raw byte
* parameters: digit0, digit1, digit2, digit3, digitSwitch
* digitSwitch: the four least significant bits controls data handling,
* each bit controls associated digit
* starting with least-significant bit 0,
* i.e. B1010, digit1 & digit3 are raw,
* digit0 & digit2 use table array
* 1 = raw byte
* 0 = table array index */
unsigned long onTime = 0; // tracks time
bool switchView = false; // switch between HexCounter (table array) and RawDisplay (raw bytes)
// false = HexCounter
// true = RawDisplay
unsigned int counter = 0; // RawDisplay counter
/* ***************************************************
* Global Adjustable Variables *
*************************************************** */
int digitDelay = 50; // delay between incrementing digits (ms)
int brightness = 90; // valid range of 0-100, 100=brightest
unsigned int ShowSegCount = 250; // number of RawDisplay loops before switching again
bool commonCathode = true;
/* ***************************************************
* Void Setup *
*************************************************** */
void setup() {
//DDRD=0xff; // make pins 0-7 outputs
//DDRB=0xff; // make pins 8-13 outputs
//PORTD=0xf0; // make pins 4-7 HIGH
for (int x=0; x<4; x++){
digitalWrite(controlDigits[x],LOW); // Turns off the digit
/* ***************************************************
* Functions *
*************************************************** */
void DisplaySegments(){
/* Display will send out all four digits
* one at a time. Elegoo kit only has 1 74HC595, so
* the Arduino will control the digits
* displayDigits[4] = the right nibble controls output type
* 1 = raw, 0 = table array
* upper (left) nibble ignored
* starting with 0, the least-significant (rightmost) bit
for (int x=0; x<4; x++){
for (int j=0; j<4; j++){
digitalWrite(controlDigits[j],LOW); // turn off digits
if (bitRead(displayDigits[4],x)==1){
// raw byte value is sent to shift register
} else {
// table array value is sent to the shift register
digitalWrite(controlDigits[x],HIGH); // turn on one digit
delay(1); // 1 or 2 is ok
for (int j=0; j<4; j++){
digitalWrite(controlDigits[j],LOW); // turn off digits
void HexCounter(){
/* Increments values stored in displayDigits array to
* creates a Hex counter from the table array.
* Uses mixed display types:
* Digit3 | Digit2 | Digit1 | Digit0
* ---------------------------------
* C | 0 | 0 | 0
byte Letter = B00011011; // C
//increment values for digits 0-2
bool incrementValue = true;
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++){
int x = int(displayDigits[d]);
if (incrementValue == true) {
incrementValue = false;
if (x > 15) {
displayDigits[d] = 0;
incrementValue = true;
} else {
displayDigits[d] = byte(x);
// Set digit3 value
displayDigits[3] = Letter;
// Set digitSwitch option
displayDigits[4] = B1000;
if ((displayDigits[0] == 0)&&(displayDigits[1] == 0)&&(displayDigits[2] == 0)){
switchView = !switchView;
for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++){ displayDigits[x]=0; } // Reset array
displayDigits[4] = B0000;
void RawDisplay(){
displayDigits[0] = B01011111; // 0
displayDigits[1] = B00011010; // L
displayDigits[2] = B11001111; // A
displayDigits[3] = B11001110; // H
// Set digitSwitch option
displayDigits[4] = B1111;
if (counter < ShowSegCount){
} else {
// Reset everything
counter = 0;
switchView = !switchView;
for(int x =0; x<5; x++){ displayDigits[x]=0; } // Reset array
displayDigits[4] = B0000;
/* ***************************************************
* Void Loop *
*************************************************** */
void loop() {
DisplaySegments(); // Caution: Avoid extra delays
/* *************************************
* Control Brightness *
* *********************************** */
delayMicroseconds(1638*((100-brightness)/10)); // largest value 16383
/* *************************************
* Selects Display Type *
* *********************************** */
unsigned long nowValue = millis() - onTime;
if (nowValue >= long(digitDelay)){
onTime = millis();
if(switchView==true){ RawDisplay(); } else { HexCounter(); }