Hi all,
Where can i find a compiler that can compile Arduino projects and a program that can upload the compiled file to my Arduino?
Hi all,
Where can i find a compiler that can compile Arduino projects and a program that can upload the compiled file to my Arduino?
You're kidding, right?
Did you do any research?
@AWOL> Of course i'm not?!
@Nick Gammon> Tried to work it out by myself. I tried using MAKE.EXE with MAKEFILE.TXT, but can't get it working. MAKE.EXE returns: Nothing to be done for 'makefile.txt'
What operating system are you using? I don't see any makefile in the Arduino download for Windows or Mac (in the root folder).
I'm using Win7 64 bit. I found imine here: arduino-0022\hardware\tools\avr\utils\bin\make.exe. And then try this link: http://www.arduino.cc/playground/uploads/Learning/Makefile
Why did you choose not to use this?
I can't find a function that compiles a file or one that uploads that file in Arduino IDE, except SKETCH/VERIFY / COMPILE, but can't se that it makes any file.
Apart from this one?
What "Adventure" sketch you are working with Nick?
Under the IDE Menu, You have a list of buttons ..I think the right most button is for UPLOADING the sketch:)
I'm not having trouble uploading to my Arduino. I want to compile a file instead that i can email and then using some program (don't know wich, yet) to upload the file to another Arduino. I can't see that Arduino IDE can do this.
Seek and you shall find
Thanks anyway for your replies!
I want to compile a file instead that i can email and then using some program (don't know wich, yet) to upload the file to another Arduino.
Had you said this in the first place, the answers you got would have been quite a bit different. Quite a bit.
You are quite right! Knew it before i even posted it but sometime i have difficulties explaining myself in english. I will have this in mind if/when post again.
Sorry all!
What "Adventure" sketch you are working with Nick?
This rather roughly assembled prototype shows the idea. You have four directional buttons (N/S/E/W) which can also be used to scroll up/down menu items. Under the screen are three buttons to select things (like the "soft" buttons that mobile phones have).
Most of the text is in PROGMEM, naturally, to try to fit a lot in. It's been on the back burner a bit, as I try to improve my way of doing things (like handle button presses).
ArdUp returns:
Scanning for Arduino.
Devicemanager says COM9.
Any ideas?
I'm not having trouble uploading to my Arduino. I want to compile a file instead that i can email and then using some program (don't know wich, yet) to upload the file to another Arduino. I can't see that Arduino IDE can do this.
Make a small test sketch, like this:
void setup () {} void loop () {}
Hold down the Shift key while pressing the Upload button in the IDE. In the window below you will see something along these lines:
/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -v -patmega328p -cstk500v1 -P/dev/tty.usbmodemfa1341 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:/var/folders/1l/43x8v10s1v36trvjz3v92m900000gn/T/build7027595193816325637.tmp/sketch_oct23b.cpp.hex:i
That is the "upload command" that is really being executed. (My example is on a Mac).
Now simplifying by putting in generic pathnames:
PATHA/avrdude -C PATHB/avrdude.conf -v -v -p atmega328p -c stk500v1 -P COMPORT -b 115200 -D -Uflash:w:PATHC/SKETCHNAME.hex:i
Your friend would need avrdude installed (ie. get them to download and install the Arduino IDE). Find the pathnames:
Of course on Windows the forward slashes would be backslashes. But you should be able to get that to work.
Cool! Do you have a maze of twisty passages, all alike?