Compiling error

Hi! Can you please help me with my code? I attach a copy below.(Using Arduino Uno
IDE 1.6.6)

Compiling error:

Arduino\libraries\Tiny_altimeter_v1_04\Battery.c:8:9: error: variable 'Battery' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of 'attribute((progmem))'

uint8_t Battery[] PROGMEM={

Thank for your help

Tiny Altimeter code.txt (8.22 KB)

Battery.c (910 Bytes)

The error message includes a massive, massive clue.
It's not even a cryptic clue, the message spells out the solution, in fact.

Groove is saying: the compiler tells you that the variable "Battery" in the file "Battery.c" has been declared with the keyword 'PROGMEM', but you forgot to add the 'const' to it.
Every 'PROGMEM' variable needs to be 'const', that's all.

const uint8_t Battery[] PROGMEM={

Thank you very much for the response. I will try that.