Conflicting HC-05 Communication Range

Hi, I am looking into making a project using a pair of HC05 Bluetooth Modules. I haven't purchased them yet, because I have read conflicting information about the usable range between the two modules. One mentioned <10 meters, and the other mentioned <100 meters (both line of site with no obstructions). Does anyone have concrete information regarding the max usable distance?

Also, If the max distance is < 10 Meters, what Bluetooth module has the greatest distance ?


With or without antennas?
Bluetooth is not a better option.

depends on Bluetooth Classic or BLE, transmitter power , antenna, etc etc
have a look at maximizing-bluetooth-low-energy-ble-range
using Microchip BM71 BLE modules indoors I found the range to be under 10metres - never tested a HC-05
however, if you require long distance transmission look at LoRa, Zigbee, HC-12 modules, etc

Nowhere near (sorry). "10m", that's it.

If the distance achieved is say 5 metres then that is both < 10 metres and <100 meters.

HC-0x is 10m with clear line of sight. BLE in general claim 100m but HM-10 is 10m.

Ok great. Thanks for the replies

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