Confused which PMU is used on the ESP32 Board

I am trying to obtain the battery percentage of my Lilygo T-Beam using the XPowers Library but I am confused of what PMU the board is using.

The website mentions that the product uses AXP2101 but when I look at my board, it mentions it uses the AXP192 (even the picture on the website mentions that it uses the AXP192). I would have ran the 2 different examples and checked but the github repo warns to not run it unless you are sure what model is being used to ensure it doesn't damage the board. If anyone could confirm the PMU it would be fantastic.

Thank you.

**EDIT - Worth noting that my T-Beam has a MGLN 3.7V (18650, 4800mWh) battery connected to it too.

Google tells me this: PMU is a private university that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields. I know this is not what you are talking about. Follow the basics, when using an acronym the first time spell it out. Also posting links to the products helps.

I do apologize. PMU --> Power Management Unit of the microcontroller.

Also posting links to the products helps.

I have added the links to both the product that I am talking about and the library that I want to use. I mentioned PMU since the official website also utilises the abbreviated version too.

Your links are giving me a .png image that is the same as you posted.

That is quite strange. I rechecked again and the links seem to be fine. I am not exactly sure what the exact problem is.

It could be either the AXP2101 or the AXP192.

Lilygo were using the AXP192 up until about mid 2023 I believe, then swapped to using the AXP2101.

My T-Beam uses an AXP2101 and the PCB says it does.

Noted with thanks. My T-Beam PCB says AXP192 so I will go with it.