Connect Arduino and phpMyadmin

Hi guys. I am new to arduino and i want to make a project for my university, using Temperature Sensors and uploading the results to phpMyadmin. I am checking everywhere to find a solution but i have totally "crushed"!!!
The problem is that while it seems to be a connection between arduino sketch and phpMyadmin in my database fields, the sketch returns only 0.00 and i can't find the problem. I thank you all in advance. Every possible answer is thankfully accepted.

Arduino Sketch Code:

#include <SPI.h>

#include <Ethernet.h>           //library for ethernet functions
#include <HTTPClient.h>             //library for client functions
#include <DallasTemperature.h>  //library for temperature sensors

#include <OneWire.h>            //library for the onewire bus

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS     2      //the onewire bus is connected to pin 2 on arduino
#define TEMPERATURE_PRECISION  10 //resolution of the sensors is set to 10bit

// Ethernet settings
uint8_t hwaddr[6] = {XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX}; // mac-adress of arduino
uint8_t ipaddr[4] = {X, X, X, X };                    // IP-adress of arduino
uint8_t gwaddr[4] = {X, X, X, X};                     // IP-adress of gateway ( for later DNS implementation)
uint8_t subnet[4] = {255, 255, 255, 0};                   // subnetmask           
uint8_t serverip[4] = {X, X, X, X};                   // IP-adress of server arduino sends data to

uint8_t serverport = 80;                                  // the port the arduino talks to

EthernetClient client;                      

OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);                            // setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices
                                                          // (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);                      // Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature

int numSensors;                                           // variable to store the number of sensors

bool connected = false;                                   // yes-no variable (boolean) to store if the arduino is connected to the server
int i = 0;                                                // variable to count the sendings to the server

void setup(void)                                          // setup-function runs at the startup of the arduino

Serial.begin(9600);                                       // start the serial port
Serial.println("I2C-to-Ethernet Bridge.");
Serial.println("Initializing Ethernet.");

Ethernet. begin(hwaddr, ipaddr);                          // start up ethernet
sensors.begin();                                          // start up the library

Serial.println("Enumerating and scanning for I2C sensors.");

numSensors = sensors.getDeviceCount();             // store the number of sensors to the variable      //"sensors.getDeviceCount" is a function in the library

if(numSensors > 0)                                        // if there is at least one sensor:
Serial.print("Enumerated ");                              //print the number of sensors to serial port
Serial.println( " sensors.");

else                                                      //if there is no sensor:
Serial.println("No sensors enumerated.");                 // tell the serial port


void loop(void)                                           // loop function runs over and over again
if(!connected)   {                                        // if "not" connected print: not connected ;)
//Serial.println("Not connected");

if (client.connect(serverip,80)){                                    // if connected, set variable connected to "true" and
connected = true;
sensors.requestTemperatures();                            // send the request for temperature to sensors (all sensors)

for(i=0; i<numSensors; i++)                               // as long as "i" ( chosen number, starts at 0) is smaller than
                                                          //"numSensors" (number of sensors) do the "for" cycle
float temp1 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);                    // take temperature reading from sensor "i" and store it to the variable "temp"
Serial.print("Temp is ");                                 // just to see if the reading was succesful in serial console
Serial.println("Sending to Server: ");                    // all the "Serial.print" is for debugging and to show other people what arduino does
client.print("GET http://localhost/mysql_connect.php?temp1=");   // send this to apache on server to call "
Serial.print("GET http://localhost/mysql_connect.php?temp1=");            //
client.println(" HTTP/1.1");                  //
Serial.println(" HTTP/1.1");                  //
client.println("Host: x.x.x.x");    //
Serial.println("Host: x.x.x.x");    //
client.println("User-Agent: arduino-ethernet");        // ethernet related stuff
Serial.println("User-Agent: arduino-ethernet");        //
client.println("Accept: text/html");          //
Serial.println("Accept: text/html");          //
client.println("Connection: close");        //
//Serial.println("Connection: close");        //
client.println();                             //
delay(20000);                                            // send the temperature every 20 sec
Serial.println("Cannot connect to Server");               //  else block if the server connection fails (debugging)

else {

delay(500);                                               //
while (client.connected() && client.available()) {        // when connected and availabe:
char c =;                                   // read the answer of the server and
Serial.print(c);                                          // print it to serial port
}                                                         //
Serial.println();                                         //
client.stop();                                            //  stop the connection and set
connected = false;                                        //  "connected" to false


Also i upload the php file that (i believe!) connects arduino and phpMyadmin (file name is mysql_connect.php)

P.S: At start my database(named temp_database) has only one table (named temperatures) and only one column (named temp1)



if (isset($_GET['temp1'])) 
$temp1 = floatval ('temp1');
$temp1 = $_GET['temp1'];

$con = mysql_connect("host","username","password");
if (!$con)
   die('could not connect: ' .mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("temp_database", $con);

$sql="INSERT INTO temperatures (temp1) VALUES ('$_GET[temp1]')";

echo "inserted correctly \n";

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
   die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
if (mysql_query($sql,$con)){   
echo "1 record added";

Thank you very much again

Your code has some errors in it that will cause problems. This code downloads Google home every 10 seconds.

Change the network settings to yours and the server ip to your apache server. Once you get the apache home page downloading every 10 seconds, it will be easier to modify the code to interface with your php page.

First things first ...

Please edit your post, select the code, and put it between [code] ... [/code] tags.

You can do that by hitting the # button above the posting area.

And please do that for future posts. Thanks!

client.print("GET http://localhost/mysql_connect.php?temp1=");   // send this to apache on server to call "

Should be:

client.print("GET /mysql_connect.php?temp1=");   // send this to apache on server to call "

Also suggest you use "HTTP/1.0" instead and skip the "User-Agent", "Accept", and "Connection: close:" lines; HTTP/1.0 doesn't use persistent connections so "Connection: close" is unnecessary and the User-Agent and Accept headers are always unnecessary. Also, using a "Host:" header with an IP address is goofy and you should skip that as well; the intent of the "Host:" header is to use a hostname so the web server can run name-based virtual hosting when multiple domain names resolve to a single IP, but again that doesn't make sense with an IP address.

As an added option if you skip the "HTTP/1.0" string entirely your response from the web server will have no headers with it; just content.

$sql="INSERT INTO temperatures (temp1) VALUES ('$_GET[temp1]')";

You have single quotes around your $_GET[temp1] value; are you storing the temp in a text (not numeric) field type?

Just for the record, phpMyAdmin is an application written in php that administers a MySQL database. Your other php scripts that the Arduino is executing have nothing to do with phpMyAdmin.

With the code you have, suppose you add another sensor. The data from two sensors is going to be mixed in your database. Is that a reasonable thing to do?

(snip) With the code you have, suppose you add another sensor. The data from two sensors is going to be mixed in your database. Is that a reasonable thing to do?

Why not? I have a radius database that has several hundred client's connection records, all mixed in one table. You can search those! :wink:

Firsty, thank you all very much for your answers.As i said, i have now started using Arduino and all the services that it provides and i just present the code and the problem that i come up against. My main problem is the use of $_GET inside arduino code and also inside php code. Should i put $_POST instead or it has no difference? I just start with data from one DS18B20 Temperature Sensor and i believe that with the same way i will add more

Why not?

If one sensor is inside and the other is outside, I'd use two tables - one for inside and one for outside. Or, one table with another column to include location.

Just a bunch of temperatures doesn't seem too useful to me, if some are indoor temperatures and some are outdoor temperatures.

The GET is the same format for any http request. In it's simplest form with a temp1 variable assigned 25:

client.println("GET /mysql_connect.php?temp1=25 HTTP/1.0\r\n");
// then listen for a response from the server.
while(client.connected()) {
  while(client.available()) {
// close the connection after the server closes its end

Your php code should be able to retrieve that value.

@PaulS: I would put the tempX string in the table with the reading, not just the reading. In that case, you are correct. If you did not store the sensor name, the values mixed without a way to sort them would be useless.

edit: That should have been client.println, not client.print. It needs a blank line to denote end-of-header. Now changed.

Should i put $_POST instead or it has no difference?

Stick with GET, and yes there is a difference in how you transmit data to the server if you're using POST. POST is a bit more complicated and the only time it's required is if your query string is over 65K characters.

You have single quotes around your $_GET[temp1] value; are you storing the temp in a text (not numeric) field type?

No, i want to store the temp in a float(4,2) field type. What have i done wrong?

No single quotes around decimal, float, or double values.
$sql="INSERT INTO temperatures (temp1) VALUES (42.59)";
$sql="INSERT INTO temperatures (temp1) VALUES ($temp1)";

This is the part of Arduino sketch that transfers data to my database

void loop(void)                                           // loop function runs over and over again
if(!connected)   {                                        // if "not" connected print: not connected ;)
//Serial.println("Not connected");

if (client.connect(serverip,80)){                                    // if connected, set variable connected to "true" and
connected = true;
sensors.requestTemperatures();                            // send the request for temperature to sensors (all sensors)

float temp1 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);     // take temp reading from sensor "i" and store it to the variable "temp1"

Serial.print("Temp is ");                                 // just to see if the reading was succesful in serial console
Serial.println("Sending to Server: ");                    
client.print("GET /mysql_connect.php?temp1=");        
Serial.print("GET /mysql_connect.php?temp1=");            
client.println(" HTTP/1.0");                  
Serial.println(" HTTP/1.0");                  
delay(20000);                                            // send the temperature every 20 sec

This is my mysql_connect.php file


if (isset($_GET['temp1'])) 
$temp1 = floatval ('temp1');
$temp1 = $_GET['temp1'];

$con = mysql_connect("host","username","password");
if (!$con)
   die('could not connect: ' .mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("temp_database", $con);

$sql="INSERT INTO temperatures (temp1) VALUES ($temp1)";

echo "inserted correctly \n";

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
   die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
if (mysql_query($sql,$con)){   
echo "1 record added";

In this part of my php code:

$sql="INSERT INTO temperatures (temp1) VALUES ($temp1)";

when i just put a random float (e.g. 42.05) it works perfectly, but when i leave it just like above and "expect the communication" between Arduino and php i have the problem. I type in my browser localhost/mysql_connect.php?temp1= and i get the following message

Error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

I tried this and it displayed the value I sent. I read and display the server response on the serial monitor using the code above.

	$temp1 = $HTTP_GET_VARS['temp1'];
test server page

<? echo('temp1 = ' . $temp1 . ' '); ?>

Try it a step at a time. Once it is printing the value you expect, then try to insert it into the database.

Should i create a new .php file and enter this code inside and connect it to my Arduino Sketch or i adjust it somehow to my existed mysql_connect.php?
Again, thank you very much for your help

Save that code in your server as "arduino.php". I used this code for the test. Change the network settings to yours. It won't start for 30 seconds after you open the serial monitor. Then every 30 seconds it will send another request with temp1 value incremented.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>

byte mac[] = {  0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
IPAddress ip(192,168,2,2);
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 2, 1);
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);

IPAddress server(1,2,3,4); // Change to your server ip

EthernetClient client;
int totalCount = 0;
int loopCount = 0;

void setup() {


  Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, gateway, subnet);

char pageAdd[32];
void loop()
  if(loopCount < 30)
    loopCount = 0;
    if(!getPage(server,pageAdd)) Serial.print("Fail ");
    else Serial.print("Pass ");


byte getPage(IPAddress ipBuf,char *page)
  int inChar;
  char outBuf[128];



    sprintf(outBuf,"GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",page);
    return 0;

  int connectLoop = 0;
      inChar =;
      connectLoop = 0;

    if(connectLoop > 1000)



  return 1;

Using arduino.php i only have to put the part of getting temperatures inside loop() function on my sketch and after that, to put my database connection to arduino.php ?

If you are seeing the temp1 value increase every 30 seconds, then yes. Use the existing sprintf function in the loop to print your sensor reading instead of the totalCount value, and away you go!

Unfortunately my friend, i run the arduino sketch as you sent me, i have arduino.php but although in serial monitor seems to have a loop when i type in browser "localhost/arduino.php?temp1=" i only see "test server page" whithout showing temperature. I don't know what i am doing wrong and i apologise for my continuous questions

You are not sending a value for temp1 that way. Try this:

edit: If you want to retrieve that value from the database with a web browser, you will need to write another php page that filters your database for the last entry for temp1.

Maybe I wasn't clear. That arduino.php code only displays the value you sent so you can see if the format is ok and it displays the value you expected. It doesn't insert that value into the mySQL database yet. You will need to add that in arduino.php.