I found code bellow. In this code the user conect two sensor I want to connect just one of them in port TX1. My sensor has adress as 2. Could you give me an example of code of this.
Thanks in advance
Written by Kevin M. Smith in 2013.
Contact: SDI12@ethosengineering.org
Extended by Ruben Kertesz in 2016
#include <SDI12.h>
#define DATAPIN 2 // change to the proper pin
String srsOut = "";
String srsIn = "";
String myCommand = "";
String redOutString = "";
String nirOutString = "";
String redInString = "";
String nirInString = "";
float ndvi = 0;
float redIn = 0;
float nirIn = 0;
float redOut = 0;
float nirOut = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
//Grab data from outgoing sensor
//first command to take a measurement
mySDI12.sendCommand("1M!"); // change "1" to the correct address of the sensor
delay(30); // wait a while for a response
while (mySDI12.available()) { // build response string
char c = mySDI12.read();
if ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {
srsOut += c;
if (srsIn.length() > 1)
delay(5000); // delay between taking reading and requesting data
srsIn = ""; // clear the response string
// next command to request data from last measurement
mySDI12.sendCommand("1D0!"); // CHANGE "1" to appropriate address
delay(30); // wait a while for a response
while (mySDI12.available()) { // build string from response
char c = mySDI12.read();
if ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {
srsOut += c;
delay(5); //former val = 5
//Grab data from Incoming sensor
//first command to take a measurement
// myCommand = "0M!"; // change "0" to the correct address of the sensor
// mySDI12.sendCommand(myCommand);
// delay(30); // wait a while for a response
// while (mySDI12.available()) { // build response string
// char c = mySDI12.read();
// if ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {
// srsIn += c;
// delay(5);
// }
// }
// if (srsOut.length() > 1)
// mySDI12.flush();
// delay(5000); // delay between taking reading and requesting data
// srsOut = ""; // clear the response string
//// next command to request data from last measurement
// myCommand = "0D0!"; // CHANGE first zero to appropriate address
//// Serial.println(myCommand); // echo command to terminal
// mySDI12.sendCommand(myCommand);
// delay(30); // wait a while for a response
// while (mySDI12.available()) { // build string from response
// char c = mySDI12.read();
// if ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {
// srsIn += c;
// delay(5); //former val = 5
// }
// }
//write the measurement to the screen
redOutString = srsOut.substring(4,9); //pick part of string
nirOutString = srsOut.substring(11,16);
redOut = redOutString.toFloat(); //string to float
nirOut = nirOutString.toFloat();
redInString = srsIn.substring(4,9); //pick part of string
nirInString = srsIn.substring(11,16);
redIn = redInString.toFloat(); //string to float
nirIn = nirInString.toFloat();
ndvi = (((nirOut/nirIn) - (redOut/redIn)) / ((nirOut/nirIn) + (redOut/redIn)));
Serial.print("redOut: ");
Serial.print(redOut, 4);
Serial.print(" nirOut: ");
Serial.print(nirOut, 4);
Serial.print(" redIn: ");
Serial.print(redIn, 4);
Serial.print(" nirIn: ");
Serial.print(nirIn, 4);
Serial.print("NDVI: ");