Sorry I do not read frizzy pictures. What you propose should work. Be sure the power supply you use has enough power to power all of the loads concurrently (Amps is important). If you need say 1.2A a 1A supply would be to small, anything greater than 1.2A would be OK.
If you use those blue relay things with 12V relays it should work without a problem and you could power the arduino with 12V. At 5V the relay coils would probably place to much of a load on the arduino 5V regulator and you should have an additional power source. If you use a buck or SEPIC converter to drop the 12V to about 8 for the Arduino it should work or use it to supply the relays either is ok.
You might try experiment with one of the fine, free CAD programs online such as KiCad. You will be much better off in the future as your projects become more complicated.