So I want to be able to connect an android phone to an Arduino and receive data from it, meanwhile that Arduino is connected to another Arduino and combines the two Arduino data and send it.
Ps. the Arduino that should be connected to the android phone also has a GPS module connected to it, so SoftwareSerial is already occupied, however, the other Arduino doesn't have any module that would interfere with the BLE.
I'm using an Arduino nano and an HM-10 BLE module, the GPS module is gy-neo6mv2.
An HM-10 and BLE is far more complicated when compared to an HC05 and classic bluetooth. Why have you chosen the HM10 and BLE for use with an Android phone? What app do you plan to use on the phone?
meanwhile that Arduino is connected to another Arduino
The only reason is the battery life since the Arduino will be battery-powered.
That's the problem, I already connected an android phone to the first Arduino and tested it, the only thing left is to connect the two Arduino, the two Arduino will always be close to each other.
this may be a dumb question, but could a BLE slave module be connected with two masters? the mobile phone and the other Arduino. or I should use a third BLE module for the connection with the other Arduino?
however, the data is gonna be one-way only so I'm thinking of other options as well. What are your suggestions?
could a BLE slave module be connected with two masters? the mobile phone and the other Arduino
I believe that multiple devices can connect and read the Gatt services/characteristics of a peripheral device. What data needs to go between the two Arduinos? What data is going to the phone?
Have you tried to connect an HM10 configured as a central to the peripheral and exchange data? That would be the place to start.