I know that some people have transformed PS3 controllers into robot controllers with Arduino. Is it possible with all types of controllers of each console (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Wii, Xbox 360 and Xbox One)? Or only with a few controllers?
Change made the 19.01.2014 -
Well, now my project is changed. So now I would want to know if, with Arduino, is possible to make an RC Car's controller.
But not something of complex.
The controller that I would want to build has just:
If you plug the controller into a computer and write a small program in say Python or Processing to transfer the controller output to serial commands then it is easy and will work with any controller your computer will accept. If you didn't want to lug a PC around you could also consider using a small single board computer like the Raspberry Pi to translate commands (or do everything for that matter, but that may be heresy).
If, on the other hand, you want to connect the controller directly to the Arduino with no PC then you will need an Arduino library and potentially more hardware to do so and your mileage will vary based on controller type. The simplest controllers in this case would be the old game port style controllers as they have analog outputs that your Arduino could read. Any USB controller would need a USB host shield as the USB port on the Arduino is only a device port and will NOT work as a host.
Do you plan on having a computer in the middle?
If you plug the controller into a computer and write a small program in say Python or Processing to transfer the controller output to serial commands then it is easy and will work with any controller your computer will accept. If you didn't want to lug a PC around you could also consider using a small single board computer like the Raspberry Pi to translate commands (or do everything for that matter, but that may be heresy).
If, on the other hand, you want to connect the controller directly to the Arduino with no PC then you will need an Arduino library and potentially more hardware to do so and your mileage will vary based on controller type. The simplest controllers in this case would be the old game port style controllers as they have analog outputs that your Arduino could read. Any USB controller would need a USB host shield as the USB port on the Arduino is only a device port and will NOT work as a host.
Hi jroorda,
thank you for your answer. However I don't want to plug the controller into the PC. I want to connect the controller directly to the Arduino.
My idea is to transform an Xbox 360 (or PS3) controller into an RC Car controller (without cables, obviously).
With the Computer I just want to program the RC Car built using Arduino components so that every function of the car is controlled by each button.
This includes the On / Off button (to turn on/off the controller, not the car).