Hello. I am new to Arduino and circuits, and I need some help. So I have 2 sensors, an MPU-6050, and a BMP280. They both use the exact same pins on my Arduino nano, and I can't figure out how to use both of them at the same time. I was looking for something like female to double female connector wires but I couldn't find anything. I looked on this website also and couldn't find anything. I just need a way to use two sensors on one pin. And it must be small enough to fit inside a model rocket, thanks!
Seems like it's time to make some software changes.
What do you mean by this?
Change the software to look at other pins for the second sensor?
I am kind of new to this stuff, so how would I go about doing this?
Then consult with the person who wrote your software.
So is there anything like a female to double female split wires?
You can make the wires any way you want, but why?
Because I wanted to have like a wire that you would connect to the Arduino nano pin and then you would be able to have 2 ends to connect to
Strip the ends of the wires you want and twist them all together. Solder them if you wish to make it permanent. Insulate with electrical tape. Or get small wire nuts and use one to connect the wires together.
I don't mean like a bare wire, like do you know what a female to female wire is?
I did not know wires did that sort of thing. Just cut the connector off one end of the wires, strip back the insulation and twist the wires all together. Sorry, can't get more simple that that.
Is there a way to use any pin I want for the sensor instead of the ones meant for the specific sensor?
The pins are ONLY meant for a specific sensor because the software was written that way. Software can be changed, if you have the source.
I have the source, do you know anything about BMP280 or MPU-6050?
Read about addressing on your devices.
That’s like having two or more ‘houses’ on the same road.
They each have a different number on the mailbox.
The postman only puts the correctly addressed letters in the appropriate mailbox. (in most cases).
You might find one if you are lucky, but the times it would work for anything are few and far between. I am not familiar with your sensors, but they almost certainly won't work that way. You need to look for pin definitions in the source code and change them to other unused GPIO pins that support the same functionality.
So if a sensor uses the a5 pin, i could change it to use a7. That sorta thing?
Both of those sensors use the I2C bus, and you can connect several sensors at the same time to that bus. They may be daisy chained if the modules have duplicate pinouts.
You will have no problems with the BMP280 and the MPU-6050, except that the latter has long been discontinued, and most likely, you have a counterfeit, reject or cheap clone that may or may not work as expected.
Introductory tutorials.