convert float into binary and hexadecimal value

Thank you guys. With the help of your suggestion I get a result but I altered something in this program below.

uint16_t loWord;
uint16_t hiWord;
typedef union {
float v;
int32_t longValue;
byte b[sizeof(float)], a[sizeof(int)];
cracked_float_t floatValue;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
floatValue.v = 263.3;
Serial.print("The float value is =");
Serial.print("The byte value of given float is =");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Serial.print(floatValue.b*, HEX);*

  • Serial.println(" ");*
  • }*
  • loWord = word(floatValue.b[1], floatValue.b[0]);*
  • hiWord = word(floatValue.b[3], floatValue.b[2]);*
  • Serial.print("The 16 bit low byte is =");*
  • Serial.println(loWord, HEX);*
  • Serial.print("The 16 bit high byte is =");*
  • Serial.println(hiWord, HEX);*
    void loop() {
  • // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:*
    The float value is =263.30
    The byte value of given float is =66
    The 16 bit low byte is =A666
    The 16 bit high byte is =4383
    I get a result but is the above program is correct or not. I have a small doubt is, How to convert this two 16 bit unsigned integer value into float value. Can any of you providing solution for this conversion.