Copy-paste data from the serial monitor

I would like to copy and paste a colomn of data displayed on the serial monitor (longer than my screen), and it doesn't really work. Selecting the first lines and then scrolling down to the bottom lines makes it "forget" the first lines in the selection.
It would be much easier than using Processing or Rstudio, so I would like to do it that way.
Any idea?


The best thing to do (my opinion) is to use a decent terminal program that allows you to save to file.

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Ctrl + A then Ctrl + C.

Do you mean an IDE like Eclipse or Visual Studio? If that is what you meant, well it's quite annoying to do that for this only reason... Arduino IDE 2.0 seems good, except for that.

Ctrl + A selects the code, not the monitor output, right?

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No, I mean a terminal program. Realterm, putty, minicom, ...

make sure you select the serial monitor screen.

but i've had problems at time, especially when there's a lot of output

Yes, but apparently it doesn't work

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Ok, yes I guess it could work, but I wish I could copy-paste data straight from the arduino IDE. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

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here's my screen

 ... WiFi connecting - wally Pan0rama
 ... WiFi connecting - wally Pan0rama
 ... WiFi connecting - wally Pan0rama
 ... WiFi connecting - wally Pan0rama
 ... WiFi connecting - wally Pan0rama
WiFi connected
 ... JMRI connecting - 4445
JMRI connected - 4445

wifiSend: antidisestablishmentarianism
wifiSend: ok

It does work well, but you have to disable auto scrolling (or be very nimble). ctrl+A ctrl+c. Make sure the focus is on the serial monitor screen. Paste into Excel or Word or whatever. I have use it a lot for getting logged data for analysis.

Or… hold down the reset button.


On the screen of the serial monitor there is a control box
When checked, when the screen is "full", it automatically moves up, and when it receives a new line it actually erases the selection for copying the content.
But if you uncheck this option, you can select and keep selected the value and copy.
Pay attention, because when you reach the end of the screen, the line will not move,
but using the mouse you can make the movement if what you want to copy is already off the screen.

Hi @aurelz. The Arduino IDE developers are tracking this bug in the Serial Monitor here:

If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to that issue to get notifications of any new developments related to this subject.

All right, thanks for the info

Is there any way to shut off the auto-scrolling feature in the serial monitor? I would like to copy the serial monitor messages but I am unable to copy (CTRL-A) the serial monitor when it is scrolling, I'm running arduino IDE version 2.02 on a Windows 10 64-bit machine.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @iamiretheo. Click the icon near the right side of the Serial Monitor view toolbar ("Toggle Autoscroll") to switch auto scrolling on and off:


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Hi again,
I am coming back to this issue. I haven't found any way to copy-paste the serial monitor output easily.
If you select a long column of output data, and start scrolling down, your selection loses what is no longer on the screen. So it seems like you have to go little by little, making it a long and annoying process.
Disabling the Autoscroll Toggle doesn't change anything for me.
@ptillisch, the github thread doesn't seem to make progress, unfortunately...


I'm running 2.0.3 and confirm it's not working. Even ctrl-a doesn't work - that only highlights the code section even if focus was on the serial monitor originally. No matter how much I highlight with the mouse, and hit ctrl-c, I only get ~ 32 lines.


The developers are tracking that bug separately from the other problem, here: