Copy paste from serial monitor

I'm trying to save the serial monitor output to a text file. Although there isn't a button to do that, I thought selecting all text and copy-paste it to a notepad file would work. However, I can select ALL text in the serial monitor but when copy-paste, only a part of the text is copied. I tried with autoscroll on and off, with device connected and unconnected to serial port. Same result.
I suppose this is a bug in the latest 2.2.1 version.
Or am I missing something?

It's a known issue. Advice is to use an external terminal program that can straight away log to file.

The issue has been mentioned on the forum and there should also be an issue logged on github (I could not immediately find it).

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OK, thanks for info. Hope it will be fixed soon.

Patience is a virtue :wink:

Forum search results; one of them will probably contain a link to the github issue.

It might indeed be a bug in the latest version. It's worth checking if there's a software update or if others are experiencing the same issue. Hang in there! :crossed_fingers::man_technologist:

There are several Serial Monitor issues, that have been around for awhile now.

For example, one I opened in Feb 2022...

Missing "Select All" capability for Serial Monitor · Issue #812 · arduino/arduino-ide (

Serial monitor selection range shifts chaotically upon scroll · Issue #1081 · arduino/arduino-ide (

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