could somebody help me with the code


This is my first arduino code. Some parts I wrote, others I copied parts of it from what was posted online. :-[

I am trying to add a command inside void loop() and have a suspicion that the sequence of commands is not right and can't figure out how it should be done.

There will be three pir sensors installed in a room. When either one of them detects presence of a person, a playback of two soundtracks will start. One soundtrack is on cd player, another on rMP3 shield.

The soundtracks are 1 hr long so I thought to add a physical button to send 'stop' rmp3.stop(); command to the shield to have a playback reset option and I don't understand if the code for the resetButton is wrong or whether I put it in the wrong order.

Could you please`look at the code an tell me what's wrong. I will greatly appreciate it.

I hope my explanations are clear, the code is below.

Thank you very much.

#include <NewSoftSerial.h>

#include <RogueSD.h>

#include <RogueMP3.h>

//sketch to start payback of soundtracks on cd player and mp3 shield
//when one of three PIR's reads HIGH

//May 1, 2010
//Mikhail Iliatov
//parts are copied from the code by mgehring and TJ on

#define CD 10
#define PIR1 2
#define PIR2 3
#define PIR3 4
#define resetButton 8

NewSoftSerial rmp3_serial(6, 7);
RogueMP3 rmp3(rmp3_serial);

int duration=20; 
//temporary number, will be changed to actual length of the soundtrack 
//(prob. 3923586 + time to start up cd (10 sec.) => 3933586 milisec or 3933.586 s ~= 3934 s)

void setup(){


  pinMode(CD, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(PIR1, INPUT);
  pinMode(PIR2, INPUT);
  pinMode(PIR3, INPUT);

  pinMode(resetButton, INPUT); 
  //this is the resetbutton I am trying to incoprporate 
  //so I can stop mp3 in the middle of playback if necessary

  digitalWrite(PIR1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(PIR2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(PIR3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(resetButton, LOW); //check this

  //don't know what this function does but it was in the rmp3 library sample code

  int calibrationTime = 30; //do I need to use calibration, check with parallax

  // int song="/NHD050708.mp3"; how to define songName?

  //calibrate sensor
  Serial.print("calibrating sensor ");
  for(int i = 0; i < calibrationTime; i++){
  Serial.println(" done");
  Serial.println("SENSOR ACTIVE");
  //insert stop command for cd here?


void loop(){
  //this code doesn't work and I have no idea why or where to paste it!
  if (digitalRead(resetButton) == HIGH){
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //to turn LED on so I know that reset button works
    rmp3.stop(); //to stop rmp3

  if ((digitalRead (PIR1) == LOW) || (digitalRead (PIR2) == LOW) || (digitalRead (PIR3) == LOW)){
    digitalWrite (CD, LOW);
    //insert stop command for cd here to make sure nothing was triggered while calibrating sensors
  else {
    digitalWrite (CD, HIGH);

    digitalWrite (CD, LOW);

    delay(5000); //time for cd player to start


    Serial.println("NOW PLAYING"); //figure how to print status from MP3?

    // pause program while the soundtrack is playing duration == length of sountrack


void delay_secs( int secs )        // delays 'secs' seconds
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<secs; i++)

/*think about adding button to stop playback on both cd and mp3 at any time

I suggest implementing your application as a "finite state machine".

When the delay function is called, nothing happens until it returns, except for interrupt handling. Even in that case, though, the return from the interrupt handler is to the delay function, which resumes waiting for the required time to pass.

This means that the stop button is not read, and the PIR sensors are not read, until the delay ends.

This not being what you want, you need to get rid of the calls to delay. The Blink Without Delay example should give you enough clues to do this.

Basically, each pass through loop, you want to check the stop button and check to see if enough time has passed for the music to have ended.

Thinking about it more, though, even keeping track of the time should not be necessary. All that really should be required is to see if the stop button has been pressed, and see if the music is still playing. It would be hard to imagine a decent music playing library that did not include a method to determine if a track is playing.