Count usage of electronic device and display result on a display


I'm new to Arduino and trying to figure out how I can do the following:

I would like to count how many times I use coffee machine during a month and display these numbers on a display.

Would really appreciate if someone could help me.

Is it about how many times you power it on?

If you can power on a Arduino at the same time as the machine it's easy. So easy you can also just use a mechanical counter but okay.

If you use a simple I2C 12x2 LCD the code will be something like

#include <EEPROM.h>
#include "Wire.h"
#include "LiquidCrystal.h"

LiquidCrystal lcd(0);

void setup(){
  unsigned long counter = 0;
  //clean arduino, set EEPROM up
    EEPROM.write(0, 0); //clear first address to tell it it's set up.
    EEPROM.get(1, counter); //Load counter value from EEPROM
  counter++; //Count up 1
  EEPROM.put(1, counter); //Save the new value
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  lcd.print("Start up number: ");

void loop(){

Put it on a weigh scale.
Look for abrupt changes in weight associated with filling and emptying.