CS1238 fast 1.28k samp/s 24bit load cell adc library

I've been searching in vain for a library that interfaces with the 24bit load cell ADC CS1238 from https://www.amazon.ca/Module-Converter-Analog-Digital-Convert/dp/B0924TCPZQ .
I got interested because this ADC is capable of 1280 samples/sec! and is at aliexepress available only for a few euro.
I tried the GitHub - HamidSaffari/ADS123X: An Arduino library to interface with TI ADS1232 and ADS1234 MultiChannel 24-bit ADC For Bridge Sensors. library and this is somewhat working. Meaning I got some (stable) results wih a load cell but that's about it. The ADS1238 uses register settings compaired to pin settings on the ads123x.

The manual (https://forum.arduino.cc/uploads/short-url/nK9A7yrvkK2cbkLiictN40sphI.PDF), (Thank you @Koepel ) is a little beyond my experience to fully understand this.

Does anyone know a compatible library or a way to 'translate' properly how to set the ADC?

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Datasheet via alldatasheet.com and onlinedoctranslator.com attached.
CS1238.zh-CN.en.PDF (1.2 MB)

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