Current measurement with an arduino.

I've working on a project (nothing to do with arduino) that is powered by a large lead acid battery. On the bench the system works fine and the battery lasts for hours without problems, I can monitor the battery current and voltage as the battery slowly discharges at the expected rate. However, as soon as I use the item in the real world (where I can't plug in a multimeter) the battery goes flat much more quickly than I expect.

What I want to do is build an arduino based data logger to record the current and voltage of the battery over time. Measuring the voltage is a simple matter of a resistor bridge monitored by one of the analgue port. Measuring the current is a little harder, I know I could (in theory) add a small resistor in series to the load and measure the voltage across this resistor to calculate the current flow. However, this requires a very high precision, low value, temperature stable resistor, very accurate voltage measurement, and is only really practical if the current doesn't vary much.

I want to be able to accurately measure the current between a few milliamps up to about 10 amps. I understand that the normal way to do this is with a 'hall probe'. Has anyone done this with an arduino before? is a hall probe the right way to go? Is there a better method? Any suggestions?


You can use one of these

together with one of these

without even changing your projects wiring. You can choose the gain to select the sensitivity you need.