Current through Vin


So I was planning to connect an external power supply to an Arduino to the Vin pin, Is 12 volts with a 500mA or 750ma fuse enough to have the board functioning properly. Also, how much current would left for the peripherals? By the way this is through a shield being implemented.

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Which Arduino board are you using and which peripherals does it have attached to which it provides power ?

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atmega328p allow pro pin source maximum 20mA, whole chip maximum 200mA.
the chip itself consumes 1.5mA.
UPD. Ah, yes, onboard 5V LDO regulator is able to provide ~100mA maximum.

You don't need fuse to power arduino through vin pin. You can even use 100A power supply as long as voltage is between 7 and 12V. Lower is better. Everything above 7V is just waisted as heat in voltage regulator.

@ricenbeanzzz We really do need to know exactly which product. Nano? Nano Every?


Sorry its for the Arduino Mega.

Let me clarify, its for the arduino mega.

How much current you can draw from the 5V pin with a 12V input has been highly debated on the forum.
For the total Vin current my vote is for about 120mA, that leaves about 60mA for everything else