I have programmed my ESP32-Cam (in Platformio) to take images every 2.5 minutes. These images are actually microscope images and are saved into two folders on a SD-card ("Bright-field" and "Dark-field"-folders respectively).
Now, I would like to transfer these images to a directory on my Mac. I have checked out these options: Please note that the camera runs on SoftAP and is not connected to some local wi-fi
WebSocket - would be soo nice but I quickly found out I would need more time than I have to create HTML and JavaScript files.
The article says that the process (using YModem transfer) was written for the circumstance that;
"But what if you don’t have a local WiFi or for resilience purposes you want to have all the received pictures transferred directly to a folder on the PC ?"
For sure you need to know how to setup Teraterm, but the only way of reducing the complexity here would be to write say an automated PC program, maybe with processing, to do the serial transfer in some sort of automated way.